77 d1i1N11//// THE TABLE. OBring of times forbidden, Dent.18. t o. Obferving off ramer forbidden, Dent. 8.10. Og King of Batán vanquifhed, Numb. 2 t. 33, &c. he was of the remnant of the Giaats,Deut.3.ii. Oik for .jpirituall anointing, Gen.28. t 8.Oi/e for the Lamper of the Sanftuary, Lev.24.2, &c. Oka religioufly refpe &ed,Gen.2t.33. & 25.4. One for fini, Gen. t. 5. Exod. 26. 4. for every one, Exod. 26.2. Opening of the wombe, or fidi -borne fanBified, Exod.1 3.2,12. Over the fegbt,d. the Steward Gen. 41. 40, and 43. 16,19. Oui -j redfirmament, whereof named, Gen. 1.6. Adan Aram, called Mefpotamia,Gen.n5.20. Palme -tree, Exod. 15.27. Boughes of Palm- trees and other the like, used at thefeaft ofTa- bernacles, Lev it. 23. 4o. Pafover,what it fignitieth, Exod.12.1 -1. the man- ner of eating it, Exod. i 2.8,9,1o. the facrifices appointed for this Feaft, Numb. 28. i 6,i 9, &c. The Paffiover of theepe and oxen,differing from thePafchall Lambe, Dent. 16. 2. ThePafover in the fecond month, with the rites of it, Num. 9. 11,12,13. Peace for felvation,Gen, 29.6. for welfare, Gen.37. r4. &41.16, & 43. 27. Peace - offerings with the Law, and lignification of them, I ev.3. & 7.1,1, &c.The thoulder and bref} of the Peace-offerings, were the Priefis, Levic.7.3 4. Peesdiartreafure, Exod. r 9.5. Penrecofl, a feast of the Jewes, called ireebg, Lev.23. 15. Dent. 16.9. Perfell, Gen.6.9. & 25.27. Perfell orunblemithed, for facrifice, Exod., 2.5. Lev.1.3. Perfetlionre- quired inIfrael, Doit. 18.13. Pefliknce defcribed by the Hebrews, Exod.5.3 Pisaran thewildernetfe,Gen.2 5.21. Pharaoh, Gen.12.15. Philiflims,Gen. e 0.14 - Phinehas his wale, and reward, Num. 25.7,81C. Phylatleriei or frontless, what they were,and upon what ground they were ufed, Exod. i 3. 9,15. Pillar, or Statue, Matflbah, Gen. 28. 18. Lev.26.1. Deut 16.22. Pillar of cloud and fire, Exoa3.21. Pillars sfigne of liability, Exod.27. t o. Pledges or Paumes, of their taking and.refloring, Exod.22.26.Deut. 22q6, 10,17. Plenty for multitude, Gen,48. t 9. Pointed thing, Pigul, what it was, Lcv.7 18. Pof f on, what it meaneth, Gen. 22.17. Deut.9., , Plowing with anoxe and an affe forbidden, Dent. 22.10. Poore to be releeved, Deut. t 5.7784c. Praiing, what it fignifieth, Gen.2o.7. Prayer is the tervice of God, Deut.6.13. Priefl, what it fignifieth , Gen. 14. 18. Prieff or Prince, Gen. 4t. 45. The high Priefir offering for his finne, Lev. 4.3, &c. The high Prieflr daily oblation, Lev.6.zo. Lawes for the Prieflr mourning, and for their holineffe and mar- riage,Lev,21.i,8ic. Cf their blentitlies, Lev.21. 17, &c. How in their uncleanneffc they muff abitaine from their holy things, Lev. 22. 2, &c. The Priefls portion of the peoples offerings, j Numb. 18.9. Foure aad twentiegifts for the; Friel is, Num. 18.19. Priefr and Lwites had no ,part or inheritance with Ifrael, Dent. i o. 8, 9.' & 18. 1,2,&c. Prince of (laughter-men, what officer,Gen.37.3 6. Propbaning of Gods Name forbidden, Lev. 18. 21. and 19, 12, Prophet, what it fignifieth, Can. 20 . 7. Exod. 7.1. A Prophet promifed toIfrael,and their duty to heare him, Deut.18.25, &c. Purple, Exod.2 5.4. Pue; for Make, Gen. 13,16. & 25.13. & 27.37. Q.. QVailes lent unto Ifrael, Exod. 16.13. Numb. 11. 31. R RAamfr, a Gitie, Exod.,.11. Rame fer, a Citie, Gen. 47.11. Exo.1a.37. Ram, a fheepe of two yecres, Lev, 1.10. Raine fignifieth Doctrine, Deut.; 2.2. Of the firft and latter Raine, Deut. 1 1.14. Rebellious Tonne, how to be punifhed, Deuterono- mie 21.18, &c, Redlea, whereof named, Exod.to. t9. Redeeming of the fiat borne fon, Exod. t 3.13. Cities of Refuge, with their privileges, Numb.35. 17, &c. Deut.19. t, &c, Renting of clothes, a ligne of forrow, Gen.37.29, what caufes garments were to be rear, Levao.6. Rephaimr, Gen4,5. Riff for fweetnef, media, Gen.8.21. Reuben,. finne and punifhment, Gen. 49 3,4. the blefling of that Tribe, Deut. 33.6. The inherits tance ofReuben,Gad,and halfe the Tribe of Ma- naffes on the outfide of Jordan, with the condia tions thereof, Nuni 32. Reverencing the San &uarie,and how it was obfer- ved, Lev. t 9.3 ó. Rigour over fervants forbidden, and what it is, Lev.25.43,46 Robbery forbidden, Lev.' 9.13. Rock!, yeelding water, and the lignification there- of, Exod.17. Nmn.21.8, &c. Rocks, the title of God, bent. 32.4. Rod of Moles, Exod.4.2. Rod of Aaron, buddeth and beareth fruit, and is kept in the Tabernacle, Numb. 17. A Ruler/offering for his finne, Lev.4.22, &c. S SAbbotb, what it fignifieth,Gen.2.2. how to be fanllfied, Exod. 20.8,9, & 3 t. 13,15,17. na fire then to be kindled, Exod. 35.3. Sabbatifinei Exod.t6. 23. Sackcloth, Gen. 37. 4 Sacrifice niuß be offered onely in the Saahtiary, Lev. 17.3,4, &c. Sacrifice ufed for Peace -of ring,., Numbers 15.3. Sacr cer for tannes of igno.o rance, but none for tines done with an high hand, Numbers 15.22, -30. Sacrificer to beofca red daily, weekly, monthly and yearly, a the foleenns / / / / //00/IIIN W9f 1111g111 //#Á" All=77