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THE l AßLE. folenme fcafls, Numb.2S. and 29. chapters. Sale of perfons,hou(ès,lands in Ifrad, with !awes concerning then), Lev.25. 25, &c. Salting of the Sacrifices, Lev. 2. 13. Sahmff for barrenneg, Deut.29.23. Sant iJying, Gen.2.3. Exod. 13.2. and 19.10. Lev. 22.32. Santiifie for prepare, Numb. r r. 18. The La.v for fanffi5ing hontes, finds, &c. Lev. 27. 14i &c. Of fast Bing the firft -borne , Exodus 13.2. Sarahs name interptetcd, Gen.17.15. Say, for command,Exod. 4.23. Scarlet, Exod. 25.4. Scepter, Red, Tribe, Gen.49.0,16,28. Search. diligently , Gen.44 5 Sias, what they are, Gen. 1. io. Sea for the IYYeff, Gen. 12.8. ¡ Secrer, for Afmbly, Corned!, Gen. 4.9. 6. See, diverfly uled, Gen. i 6./3. Seed for poile itie,Gen.3.i 5. and 13.15. Sowing dl, vers feeds in the vineyard forbidden, Deut. 22. 9. Seed of copulation how it defileth , Lev. 15. 16, 17, t8. Soir, a mount poffeffed by Fran, Gen. 14.16. and 32.3. named of a man, Gen.36,8,20. Selle fame, Geis. 7.13. and 17. 23. Selling corne called breaking,and why,Gen.41.56. Sendaway, what it meaneth, Exod. 4.23. Serpent that beguiled Eve,Gen.3.1, &c. Fiery Ser- paru bite the Ifraelitcs, Numb.2i.6. the brazen Serpent (a figure of Ch rift) healeth them,Ibi- dem, verte 9. Servant, fervitude,what it meaneth,Gen.9.25. and 25. 23. Exod. 21. 2, &c. Of Milting frvanm, Exod.21.26. Cf delivering a fervant to his ma- iler, Deut. 23.15. Service comprehendeth prayer unto God, Deute- ronomie 6. 13. Seven, what it fignifieth, Gen. 2.2. Exod. 12. 55. Lev.4.6. Seven for aWeek, Gen. z 9.2 7. Seven for many,Gen.33.3 The feventh yeere a Sabbath and yeere of Releale, Exod. 23.11. Lev. 25.4. and Dest. i 5.2, &c. No beat} might be facrificed till afterfven dales age, Lev.22.27., what it meaneth, Gen.2,25. Shaving the haire, what it fign ified, Gen.41. r 4. Shekel, what it weighed, Gen.2o.16. Sheepe or Flack. How fbeepe andgoats,Gen.4.4. and I2.13. Shape of the firft yeere, as Ram of the fecond, Lev. 1. Io. Show- bread, why fo called, Exod, 2 5.3o. Sl,inar, Gen. 10.10. Shining of Moles face, what it fignified,Exod34 29, 30. Shoes pat elf; Exod.3.5. put on, Exod.I 2.1 I. Shortneff of fpirit, Exod.6.9, Shortened for !Tined, Numb.11. 23. Spar, a citic and wilderncffe,Gen.16.7. Sihon vanqui(bed, Numb.21.2 v,&e. Sinai , Exod. i 9. 1. Sitting on the throne, for reigning, Exod.I 1,5. Smell, Gen. 8. 21. Smiting, for killing, Gen. 14. 17. Snare, what it fignihcth,Exod.23.3 3 Sojourning, Gen., 7.8. Sennes, for children of all fortr, Gen. 3. 16. Senne for o.'d, and otherwife, Gen. 5. 32. Sennes of God, Gen. 6.2. Sonne cf the }strife, for a home-bornes Jiave,Gen. 15. 3. Srn,ne of the herd, for a Calfe, &c.Gen.18.7. Sonne for branch of a tree,Gen.49 I 22. Sonnes of rebellion, that is, rebellious per - fous, Numb. t 7, I o. The Song of Mofes and Ifrael at the red Sea,Ex. 15.The Song of Mores before his death,Deut.3 2 Sorcerers, Exod.7. i I. fee Witch. Soule, called of breathing, and of large ufe, Gen. I. 20, and 9.4. for our natural _pate Gen.z,7. for perfon,Gen.12.5.and 14,2 r.for lift,Gen.i 9.17. and 37.21. Exod.4. r 9. for minde or will, Gen. 23.8. for I, Thou, He, &c. Gen. 27.4. for ones felp, Dent. 4 9. for a dead Wok , Levit.19.28. Numb. 5.2. South, what it fignifieth,Gen.i 2.9. Sowing the field with divers kinds forbidden, Lev. 19. 19. Spies, Gen. 42.9. Twelve Spies fent to fearch the rand of Canaan, Numb. 13, their evil' report, Ibid. vert 31. Dent. I.28. Spirit called the fame that wind or breath,Gen.1.2. Sprintring what it fignified, Exo. 29.2 1. Lev,1.5. Stabltfhing a Covenant, what it meaneth, Gen.6.18. Striking a Covenant, Gen.25.18. Standing for minifiring, Gen. 18. 8. Deut. Io.8. for continuing, urging, Exod.8. 22. and 9. 28. for praying, Genef.18.22. for being made litre, Gene- fis 23. 57. Stiffc- necked, what it meaneth, Exod.32.9, Stirring anger, Gen.45.24. Stone, a name of honour, Gen. 49.24. Stony - tables, what they fignified,Exod.31.18.Of Stoning to death, and the manner of it, Lev. 24.23. The twelve precious Stones in the high Prions E- phod, Exod.28. 17, &c. Strayed things and loft , are to be reflored to the owners, Deut. 22. 1, &c. Strangers of three forts, Exod.12.43,45,48. Strength for Kingdeme, Gen.49.3 Strong for bard, Exod.4.21. Subduing, what it meaneth, Gen. 1,28. Subtile, what it meaneth, Gen. 3. 1. Suceotb, bootees, Gen. 33.17. Exod. 12.37. Swine, called by fundry names, and what, Gene- fis I.16. Superfluous forerkin. what it meaneth,Gen.17. 1 1. Swearing,what it figniheth,Gen.21.31.wherefore it is ufed,Gen.22.16. Sword for marres, Gens 7.40. Exod.5.3. Synagogues and Schooles of the Jewes, Lev. 26.3 t . Sinne, what it is, Gen. 4.7. Sinners for notorious nicked ones, Geneb 13.13. Sinner unto any, for guilty, blame-worthy, &c. Gen. 43.9. Sinne, for Pinne- Bering, Exod.29.14. for punìfbment, Levi- ticus 22.9. Sin - offerings, with their forts and fignification, Lev.4.and 6.25, &c. Syria, whereof named,Gen.1 0.22. and 24.10. and 25.20. Syrian, or Aramite, Gen. 10.22. and 28.5. Tabernacle,