i/o/imll üi r,r/ii % THE T ABLE. T TAber1 nacle, what it fgnified, Exod.a 5.9. it is called the T abernacle of theTent, Exod: 40.6. The feast of Tabernacles or Boothes , Levit. 23.34. &c. Deut.16.13. Take, for offer, or give,bring, Gen. r 5.9. and 34. 4. and 48.9. Talent, what it weighed, Exod. z 5.339 Tale - bearing forbidden, Levit. i 9.16. Task-mafl ers, .r 1. Tempting, what it fignifieth,Gen. 22.1. Ex.15.2 5. Ten words or commandements, Deut.I O.4. Ton, form :;Gen.31.7.Levit.26.z6. Tents and dwelling in them what it meaneth, Gen.4.zo.and25.27.Num,b.24.5. The Tent of the Lord, Exod.4o.19. T eraphims, images, Gen.31.19. Tefimonie for the Tables of the Law, Exod.25.16. Theft, with the punifhments therefore,Exod. 29. i 5. and 22.1, &c. Three, and third, a myfticall nllmber,Gen.22.4. Timbre], an inftrumenc of mirth, Gen.31.27. Tithe, Gen.; 4.2o. Laves concerning Tithes,Lev. 2 7.30. &c. Tithes for the Levites,Num. i 5.21. &c. Tithe of the Tithes given to the Priefts , Num.18.26. The fecond Tithes to be eaten by the owners before the Lord, Dent. 14. 2 2.23. Thofe fccond Tithes every third yeere were to be given to the poore, Dent. 14.28. 29. The confelfion made by him that bath given his third yeeres T ithe,Deut.26 .I2. To, or Vnto, for From, Gen.36.6. Exod.i 3;15, Torne things not to be eaten, Exod.a2.3 s. T caching for cvmpanying with a woman, Gen,20,4.6. for hurting, Gen. 2 6.1 I . Tree, for gal/owes 'or ibbet, Gen.4.o.1 g. Trees for fpecíall ufe, Gen.21.33. Trefpaf e, mote than finne, Gen.3 1.3 6. Trefpaff off rings, with their Lignification, Lev.5. the Law thereof, Levit.7.1. &c. Tribes, whereof named, Gen 49.16. The mutte- ring of the Tribes, Numbs, their next mnfte- ring and numbers in the fortieth yeer of their travell,Numb.26. The order of the Tribes a- bout the Tabernacle,Numb.2. T "rouble, Gen.34. ;0. Sudden Trouble, Gen.45.3 : Trumpets of filver, with theirnfe,Num.I0.2, &e. The feat} of blowing gETrumpets, Levit. 23. 23 24. Turtle -doves , and Pigeons, allowed for facrifites, , Levit. 1.14. Twelve, the number of the Patriarchs and Apo- files, Gem; 5.22. V VEdle on Mofes face, what it fgnified, Expd. 3433,34,3 5. Veps, for all things of ufe,Gen.24. 5 3 Virginity, if thewant of it bee laid to a womans charge,what law is therefore, Brenta 2.13.&e. The high ['deft was to marie a wife in her V in- ginity,Lev it. a r .13,1 4.. Vifion, Gen.' 5.1. Vifiting, what it meaneth, Gen.as.1. Vncircumcifid fetid , and the I.aw concerning them, Ethic.; 9.23. The Vmdeane put out of the Campe of Ifrael, Num.5.2, &c. The Vnicorne defcribed,Num.2 3.2 2. Deut.3 3.17. Vnleavened cakes,what they ified,Exod. i 2. S. Vnto and to,for fom,or put of,Gen.3 6.6. Num.3 1.21 Vocees and vowing, what ? Gen. 28. 2o. Vowes and voluntary firings, wherein they differed, Levit. 7.16. The Law for Vowel , Levit. 27.2. &c. Numb. 30. Of Vocees which Parents or Hf- bands might breake or confirme, Numb. 30. Vowel to be paid without dclay,Deu.z 3.2.1, 8cc: Voice for fame, rumor, Gen. 45.26. Voice attributed to blood, Gen.4.10. to frgner,Exod.4, 8. to thun- der, Exod.9.23, Vr, what place it was, Gen. i I.28. Vrim and T hoemmim,Exott.28.3 o. Vf/erie, and lawes againft it, Exod. 22.25. Levit. 25.36. V V Allting with God, what it meaneth, Gen. 5. 20. and be fire God, Gen.1 7.1. Warns of Ifrael, & the courage that they fhould have in them, Deut.zo. The new married man was not to god to marre, Dcut.z4.5. Warfare of the San&uary by the Levites, why fo called, Numb. 4.3.23. Wafting of clothes,what it Ggnified,Levit.i 1.25. Wafting the inwards of the ficrifices, Levit. 9.1. Water of purification with the allies of a red I4eiffer, the law and ufe thereof, Num.19. Watch of the night, what ? Exod. 14.24. Waving, what it was, & meant,Ex.29.24.Levit.3. 5. The Wave theafe, or Omer, that was to bee offered at harveft,with the rites thereof,Levit. 23.10.1I, &c. Way, what it fignifieth, Gen. 6.x 2. and r 8. i 9. Way, forcuftome of Women, Gen. 18. n. Gods wayei what they are, Deut.8, 6. Weaning, Gen.2 -t.8, Wear, a feaft called Pentecoft, Lev. 23 15. Dent. r 6.9. Weighty for rich, Gen.' 3.2.9 Weights and mealitres to be full, Deut. a 5. 13,14. &c. Levit.19.35,36. Whales, Gen .1,21. Whoredom for idolatry, Exod.3 4.15. Levit. l 7.7. Wife, the fame that woman, lien. 2,23, 24. The duties betweede man and wife, Exod. 21.50. Wild AA, what kind of beaft it is, Gen.' 6.12. Wild beof, why fo called, Germ .24. Wildernef, what it fignïfieth, Gen.20.14. Exo.3. 1.18. & i6,r. Deut.8.15. The Ifraelites con- demned to die in the wilderneffè, Numb. 4.2 q, Wine forbidden the Priefts üÌ their nliniftration, Levit.10.9,10. Wifemen, Pbilofophers, Gen.41. 8. Witch or Sorcerer defcribed,Ete. 7.11. Deut.18. so. Wizards forbidden, Deut.18. tr. Two Witnefs to confirme every matter,Deut.19 15. The punifhment of the falle Witne ,Dent. 19.16, &c Wreffing ////s/s///ONIVL4B;9111 /d