® //'//ÍdllM aFJY/A! ai'' A II ADVERTISEMENT TO THE READER, Touching SOME OBIECTIONS MADE againft the finceritie of the HebrewText , and Allegation of the Rabbins, in thefe former A N N O T A T ION s. Mongft other vanities and vexations of fpirit , Solomon obferved all travel!, and every right worke , that fir this aman is envied of hit neigh6arir, Eccicf 4.4. And again(' this kind of worke of interpre- ting the Scriptures, there have at all times beene Carpets and Op- paters, df whom Gods Labourers have complained. To me there- fore it is not f;range, that being the leaft of Gods fervants, and having fo many ignorances and iofirmities,fuch things have befallen me And had the Exceptions been againft my labour onely, I would havemade ufe of them, and kept filence : but when the Adverfarie (befides the wounds which thorow my fides he giveth unto many worthy men) ftrikëth at the very Text it felfe, fo weakening our common Faith, I could not but fpeake, and helpe to remove the (tumbling blocks, H hereat the ignorant might be offended. There are above eight hundred words in the Hebrew Bible, which have Marginal] Readings, differing from the words in the line, tome of great and good ufe in all Tranfla- pions, other fome of fpeciall ufe for the Hebrew Tongue and Grammar. The words in the line have ufually the prickes or vowels of the words in the Margine, and fo the Marginali words are noted to be read. Some have judged this to be u corruption of the Text, through negligence or owl-fight of the Scribes that w ro:eout Copies, whiles Printing was unknowne:. others of better judgement (as I fuppofe) efteeme both Line and Margine to t be of Divine Authoritie. Vpon this occafion difference and feeming contrarietie fometimes are to be frene in Tranflations, while tome follow the Line, fome the Margine,as they thinkebeft,and fame- time note both, yea, and tranflate both as the authenticke Text : and the fame Interpreters f (reviling their owne labours) doe change the one for the other, otherwije than they did at fiat. To begin with our owne; In Ex.a t. 8.our ancient Englifh Bibles read,rfihe pleare not her Mall er, and he give her to no man to wife ; where they followed the Hebrew in the line : but the other, called the Geneva Verfion, and the la(' fet forth by authoritie, tranflate ac- SS cording to the Margine, If /he pleafe not herMailer, mho hath betrothed her to hirnf if . The ancient Englifh in a Sam.a2.5 r. reader!), Whichiheroethgreat falvati on for his King : The ir _ __Geneva,