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that cameto the Chriftian faith, 4íï. 21.20. rem. I.I. and fo could bring uncorrupted copies of the Scriptures with than ,unto the Chriftian Gentiles. 6 The divers readings fore.fpokenof,are fuch as favour not of humane fuperftition,but tomen of underftanding, doe film Godswifedome , as the refiduc of the Scripture ; and good reafons have beetle rendred by many,as well Chrifiian asJewifh Expofitors, of both ;/1,, line and margine,being in Read of briefe Commentaries one to another : and if we cannot doe the like of all, yet ought we not to calcimine that we knownot, but id humility to '.eke for further light. ky n `il where one Props etwr riteth many places ores King.9.18 the Ketics or eekThamor,)and noteth in the mar- '"'"' °r W gine to reade it Tadmer; another Prophet after confirmeth it,writing onlyTadmor,a Chran. ¿f any '. 4. andthere the Greek alfo bath Thedmor . kith in Gen .36.5.14. is noted in the margine io be read ieuJh, and fo the line writeti, his name in Gen. 36.18. and in a Chran. 35. When ne writeth Ifb chei,alively man (as Vatablus noteth and interpreteth it) but warneth in the Ax 4üargine to reade Ifh chajil, a valiant man, a Sam 23.2o. another Prophet writeth this mar- limn text only, Ifb chajil, t Chron.! r.2 z. When in fpeech of the firft perfon,there is a fwd. y" . en change to the third ,asinaSam.a3.33.34. his may , &hitfert; that this fhould not feem firange,the Hebrew margine there readeth it,my w y,and my feet : and this is confirmed by the Hebrew line in prat., 8. ; ;,34. Neither may we fay that the former place is corrupted, feeing the Scripture ufeth fuch change of perfon other where, as in Dent. 5.10. /oh 18.4. AAic.1.2. Pfal.59.1 o.& 65.7. Dan.9.4. So Duke Avah in -1 Chro. t. 51. is there in the mar- s gine tobe read .Alvah ; and fo Mofes wrote his name in Gen.; Hezrai in the Hebrew margine,2 Sem.23.3 f. is by the letters in the line Hezro,& in 1 Chro.1 r.37.only Hezro,ia. amain: in judg.4. t I. is read in the Hebrew margine Zaanannim , and fo the name is written ini f.19.33.In2 Sam.23.13. whereby the letters in the line, Shalilhim,the Captaines of the thirty went downe,the margine and vowels reade it Shelefliah,three of the thirty; and fo it is after written Skelofhah, three, in r Chrm t r. t 5. So, he fhall take, 2 King. z o. 18. is by the vowels and margine read, they fhall take; and approved in Efay 39.7. Hee had not the name, 1 Chron.z i.2o. is read in theHebrew margin, He had the name : and fo it is written affir- matively in 2 Sam. a 3.18. In 1 Chran.t 1.1 t. where theHebrew letters in the line fay,chiefe c of the thirty, and fo it is tranflated in the Greeke Bible, and in our firft Engli(h, and the Ge- C neva verfion after it , and in the old Latine and the Spanifh tranflations , and by Pagnine; c there by the vowels,and by the Keri in the margine , it is read Chiefe of theCaptains : for confirmation of this, another Prophetwriteth it Chiefe of the Captains, or the Chiefe Cap. Caine, 2 Sam.23.8. & fundry other examples might be (hewed. the new Teflament appro. veth alto the marginall readings, for whereas Gnanijim, that is, Poore or afflilied,in Prov.3. 17.34. is tobe read in the margine Gnanevim,that is, Loroly,or Humble ; the Holy Ghoft tran- "L`' TMs` flateth according to the margine, in Iam. 4.6. and in t Pet. 5.5.gtvethgrace ea ehe Humble. 1+1 +Dnt Where Chafidea is written in the line with t jod; a figne of the plurals number,Pfalm. t 6.10. (fo that in Bibles unvowelled it maybe taken for Chadfideca, thine Holy ones ; which in fun- dry other examples may alfo be obferved,as in Pfal.145.6 Ecclef. 5.1 luidg.13.17 .1S:4711.24.5. and 26.8: Dan.3.1z.i8. Ezra 10.12. Efay 26.20. Ezek.9.5.) there in the margin, that fgne of the plurali number jod is noted tobe redundant : and accordingly it is interpreted by the Spirit of God, in,,del.1i.27. and 13.35. ton Helios rot, thine Holy one. ,Ilç, 8 As the Tewifh nation (a few late men excepted) approveofthofe readings in the margin, . _ l,f and yet hold-the word in the line uncorrupted : fo among Chriflians o{" ilI languages they 6 ok ye havebeen revere nced,& Tranflators from the Hebrew have at their difçretion taken fome- s -refh times the one, fometimesthe other, without condemning that which they omit. Our la4 Engli(h verfion tranflatth the margine commonly, yet oftennoteth the other ; fometimes the hne,and noteth alfo that which is in the margine,as is to be feene in i King. z x.48. laf 8. 12.& o.4.& 23.334 Sam.r4.2o.Pfa1. too .3.Prov.t7.27.Ier.2.2o.Dan.9. 24. Efay 9.;. & 3o. 32. & fundry other places. The French verfion fet out by the Paflors & Doétors of Geneva,in Exod.21.8.readeth the negative,& in the margine noteth rheafitr mative: alfo in Prov.26.a.& Pfd/. oo.3. Againe,in_ Lev .11.21. & t Sam.2.3. & Ef4y 63.9. reads the affirmative,& inthecnargine noteth the negative,& often other where rranflatech the one,noting the other in the margin:as in 2 Sam.22.5 r. Ecc1.9:1.rer.2. z o.& other places. The ancicrDutch verfiondikewife obferveth thefe readings by noting the different in their margine,