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made; and the I neall Afar, ten ; puaeth thrfe both for divine Scripture, ecit d :cem nave, d h e mide ten fbrps,;Y game in z:Sam.z ;. t 3. fròu the marginal! word Shelo)hah,tthree; andihe other in the line sbáli im ;Princes orCaptatnes;itgiveth atranflationcompoundedofboth. fret iftiprincipes,the fitbree Princes. There alto our Taft Englilh Interpreterstránflating 1 rd three ofthe thirty , pat in their margine; or , the three Captaines overthe thirty. Moreo- vet in Efay 6/.2. where Pekach koachin two words,or,Pekachkoach in one word, is referred to the 'clear -of prrfonrrs,or opening ofthe ekes of the blind ; the laidTigurineve,-fion lollov. ing the Evangelift,Luke4.3 8. rendreth both, vinc7is ape) tionem, & (cacis) vifum: opening (or 'deliverance) to the ìapttves,and recovery of fight ta the kind. And thofe two in- terpretations of the Evangelic , may give light to this controverfie c and by this ineanes (rather than, by any other that I know) maythar Flace ii the new Te(tament bee cleared. Zuitglius in his Latine verfion oft he Pfalmes, expre,Tétli both the marginall Hebrew Cara, and the word in the line Caari, in Pral.z z. t 7. tranflating frangitmanus b pedesmeos inflar leonis breaketh my hands and my feet like a Lion. And Arias Montanus (one whom my ad- Vet-66e citeth on his tide) in his poetical! Pfalmes,doth the like, t erfodêre mead cumpedibua manna Frendens tenguibus utleo. Muntteron z SA/X.23.13. giveth both readings together, as Both the Tigurine verton, of She.'óflrah and shalifhim,faying,Defcend:runt vero tres ifti principes,ere. And n t KitW.a z. r q8. licit decem naves.The Gr. Bible in Dan.9.z4. rend recta lirll the line, Kai tom rp, ra i at hamartias, and le Peale up firma ; then the margine,Kai apaleipfai tea anemias, & to wlpe.out (or do átvaÿ Jïirguities: & then ptoceedeth with the Cent ence following, jy, to make reconcili- ation for iniquity. So it feemeth to have reference unto both readings in ludr.19. 3.& Pro.z6.2 The Chaldée paraph raft in Pfa z z. t7. tranllateth both Caro the margme,& Caart t Elk; faying,Ñúnn hie cear)a,tbej did Bite like a Lion: & in z Sam.z 3. I }.(the place beforemen- t tibned) b iTlathagibbiraja,three mighty Men it txpreffeth both readings.Now Peeing al thefe have thus done before me,how is it that f only (hould have futh blame imputed unto use c Objedt. You make God like ante laítus Bifrons, the ido /I with two faces , to bake two divers &ayes at once, in thefe divers and contrary readings of the fame Text. Anfiv. s. A Turkeor Infidel! might thus objedtagainitall Chri(tiantranflations, which force read one contrary to another , fometime contrary tothemCelves, and fomenme give both readings, as before is (hewed. z: A Jew may fo objedt again(} the new Teflament, which alleaging the teflimony of the Prophet, thou Bethlehem Ephratah art little, Mic.5.2. expreffeth it by the negative; thou Bethlel eni art not the leaft, Mat. 2.6. 3 If itpleale God in the fame fpeechtolook divers orc ntrarywayes,indiversretbe ; What is an ti that hey flould plead againft the Lord if There is no ahfurdity, to a =deft mind, whether with the Greek &other common Interpreters we reade the negative in the l :n,,h ehath made us, and not we : or, the affirmative in the margine, He kath made us,and hie we are, Pfal.t óo.3. as the Chaldee,Hierom, and Come other doe explaine it. Whether ac. ' cording to the line, wereade Though heflaymé,lhouldI not truff ?or after the margin, Though .'. -) he flay me,! will twig in him, lob r 3.i5 . for both thefe are one in effedì; as, bath not my hand ' made ail thefithings? .911.7.5o. is the fame that My handhath made a!l theft things, Efay63. 2. So in z Sam. z.;. the negative in the line may be referred unto men,the affirmative in the ! '" margin urto God,asPeter Martyr accordeth them. So other teeming contrarieties in E a t. 2.a...95.& 6 3.9. and other places have bin both by Chriftian ami Jewifh Expofitors re- conciled by referring them to divers things or perlons. Y-eiihtirs the Holy Ghoft himfelfe teacheth us : for in , S 41,1.23. t 8. Abifhai is raid to a have the name amongthe three:but after i 5 ` in i Cbron.i iris vritten,that he had Inst the mime among the ehrte: and fo Iunius and N t Arias Montanus tranflate it.The reafon hereofis,that the Scripture fpeaketh of two threes, the Sri} and the fecond: amongthe fecond he had the name,Howbeit he attained tthe- (fir'(ttbree,as is exprefly Paid in z Sam. 2 3.19. To figni fie this, God by the later Prophet faïtb,he had not the name;yet noterh therwith in the margin,that he bathe name,/ Chro.zo. and (heweth the realm in verf. z t: of the three (towit,the later three) hewas more honoura_ le than the two , and was their captaine ; howbeit he attained not to the three , to wit, the firet three.Thus we fee how both readings are approved of God him.lelf,& even filch as in Chew may feel one repugnant to another. The like I have before (hewed in fundry other places. Q gq q 3 , Objedt.