" ObjeCt. many Hebrew Bibles want thefereadings ¡oft fpeake of; as that ty Sebafl. cRiun tr 5 " the rear Edition dy Plantine; thofe by Bob. SteLhantu,Raphelengitas, and R. Ifaak hair Shime- 7 that we may ay with asgood reafon .0 you, that the Heetfew bath theirs not, Ànfw.It followeth not ; becaufe fome have printed the Bible without thcfe marginal( notes, therefore they were not in the originall Copies. Some of our latter final English T Editions have none of the marginali notes, or fignification of both readings : to fay there_ fore that the Tranflators affixed no notes of thofe divers readings , (as in the former Editi- ons are to be feene,) were to doe themwrong. 2 Many Hebrew Bibles are printed alfo, ? and heretofore written without any prickes,vowels, or accents : if we fhall hereupon con - clude,therefore the Hebrewhath them not,andthey are not of Divine authority; we maá nifie the Jewifh Rabbins greatly, in accepting their expofitions for Scripture. For all men that know that tongue,know alfo,that without the vowels and accents,manywords & fen - ,r tentes mayotherwife be interpreted than they are. And all Trap Mors in all languages do now follow the Hebrew as it is vowelled. 3 The Editions fpoken of by Munger, Plan - -tine ,-and the reft,fuch of them as I have feene, have the vowels which properly belong to the words in the margin,and agree not with the words in the line, as in z King.6. z 5.& 10. 27. and t8. 27. and many other places, which argue thofe bookes to be unperteét which have vowels to be read with confonants that are not exprefïed, or fit for them. 4 If the marginal! readings be omitted , fome Scriptures will not eafily be read with any true and y perfect fenfe,as in Ezek. 4a.16. five cubits, for five hundred : fo z Chiron. t r .18.1King. r z. 33. Pfa1.z2:17. I Sam. 4.13. and other like which no Interpreter that ever I faw bath ex- pounded without the margine. s Munfler (who is firft named) ornitteth not the marginal readingswholly ; for in the Hebrew Bible which he fee forth with his Latine verfion and annotations, there heconjoyneth both line & margine in his tranflation, a Sam.23.1 ;, and z King. 22.48. and often he expreffeth both the line and margine in his Hebrew, ánd Iran- 1 flateth after the margine, as in 2 Sam.23.18.2 o.z t. z King.19.31. 37. and elfewhere. Object. Rut the c,.11aCorites Bible have a thoufandfuperflitions mere, which by like warrant are there recorded unto us äs divine traditions, The Tbalmudifls alfo have another vile ,,. praiiife,theiraltikri, in changing and altringthereadini of the Scripture according tetheir ,asinGen.z.4. Pfal.3.7. and 68.18. &c. An fw. It cannot be fhewed (for ought that I know) that ever theJewilh nation received the other Maforiticall notes or the altikries, for part of the Canon, or text of Scriptures, asthey have öñé all- the bookes of the old Teftamcnt with the Keries in the margine, $4: which they reckon 848 in number. Neither can it be fhewed that Tranflators old or new, Çe r «o have rendred themTOY-divine Scripture , as I have before (hewed all of i eiR tt ave tran- rk Elated the Keries, or marginali readings in very many-, ï yea in the molt places. Neither are . thofe notes and altikries approved by the Holy Gholt in other Scriptures, as fundry of the t io.4.a marginal( readings are before (hewed to be. Neither have the Thalmudills, or any Jew (to ayf ; a ay knowledge) put the altikri for the word in the Text : but leave the Scripture intire as «la which is give ot obe pprovedSAner he Ma rites many notes, have their Gramm teal( ufe or the Hebrew tongue : though the Bible is perfectwithout them, and tranflations in other languages need them not. w.e Object. if thefe (divers readings) were written by the Spirit of God as you will haveit, then muff they be for our learning an d in11 ruction, for increafe of our comfort and hope, Rem. t 5.4.but if you cannot /hew that there is a certaine and fire way to gather nece fary doctrine from them for our edification then have we noreafon to thinke withyou,tbat they are any part of the Scriptures of God, or written by the Spirit of God. c anfrc. All Trarflators old & new wil havemany of them to be writtenhy the Spirito God,as by their vent-ions & notes bath bin manifefied; yea,and the Spirit of God himfelfe by other Prophets bath confirmed fundry of them : 4 they are all(for ought that bath bin yet flawed) of equal( authority. z If I, or another man cannot fhew a fu re wayto gather neceffary doâtrine from every one ofthem,it followeth not that therfore a Pure way could not hertofore,'or cannot now,or fl:al not hereafter be (hewed by any.3.From many ofthem, I orb deariee & comfort hath foundly bin gathered by fundry men: the like (I doubt not) may he done from the reft, as God fhall furnifh men with more abundance of his Spirit. Objet?.'