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IINNEMENINEMIUS771753---11/lik " Objeet. If it were true, that Kcri and Chethib were both Written by the Spirit of God, d-c. "then doe ou herein declare your felfe to be guilty of great finne, treachery and unfatthf oil des- " ling with the Scriptures , in that you doe leave out diversparts of the fame at your pleafure, 'r " &c. as in Gen. 8.17. and r O.! 9. and z 5. z ;. and 27.3, &i'c. Anrw.i. This reafon (if it be of weight) wounderh not mealone ,butthorow my. fides, all ancient and later Interpreters, that have read, noted,or expounded force of them, as IS formerly manifefted ; for none bath ever read or noted them all. Though this be no ex- cufe for me, wherein I have done amiffe. a Thofe marginal readings doe many of them concerne the Hebrew tongue & Gram mar,which however they may be of great andgood ufe for the Hehrewes,& fuch as know that tongue; yet are they not of fuch ufe in other languages. When Areh a Lion, is noted to be read Art a Lion,in z S4M.23.20. it fheweih in the Hebrew tongue an agreement with r Chron. 1 r, -zz. where it is. written. only Ar:: but in other tongues w is write the name of a Lion but one way, it bath notfuckùfe. When Shenajim (in /tatuabfoluto, as Gramma- rians call it) is noted to be read Shene (infsitu canflruïto) z Kiog. r7.16. both which in End lifh lignifie two,which word with us varieth not the forme as doth the Hebrew : when Ant is by the margin to be lead Annehm a in Ier.4. z.6. both which in our language lignifie Wee : when in the night,.am.z.19. is by the letters in the line betel, & by the vowels and margin ballajlah, both which lignifie one thing; and many the like; as in z King.18.5. & t9.4and s1,8. a King.7.1z. and and 15.z5.Efay54.16,&c. there differences may bepro- fitably obferved by them that know that firft tongne;but in other fpeeches cannot fo be dif- cerned. So the order of the Hebrew Alphabet is let dowse of God in fame Pfalmes, and in Ieremies Lamentations:which when the Hebrew is turned into other tongues,wil not fo t appeare. And thus Hotfe in Gen. 8.17. being to be read by the vowels and margin Hajtfe, bring forth Gojim, nations, being written in the line with jod, and read in the margin with vas, in Gen. a5. 23. and fundry the like ; becaufe they fo fpecially belong to the Hebrew tongue,and vary not in our Englifh,I have therefore omitted to fpeake of. And if this rea- fon be not of weight,let mé beare my deferved blame : but let not the book of God be ac- cufed ofcorruption.And let the judicious and learned Reader judge of that which bath bin laid. a1044háih1#e ...4f44tt1444t1f4.34.3.i< 44. 443t44tivin$itivi.4t 3 Of the Hebretir Records. V VHiles the lewesCommon-wealth did itand, they had betides the writings of Moles and theProphets, (which were of Publike & Divine authority) other civili Monuments,& private Records,(as all Kingdornes for the moft part have,) for their ufe ; force of which are mentioned in the holy Scriptures, ¡e . 10.13. I King 11.4. t. & r4 t But thofe ancient ffories are now loft ; forre that werewritten between the times of the laft Prophets, & the Apoftles,yet remaine ; as the two bookes of the Maccabees,and that which lunius cal leth the booke of S imeon (others, thethird of the Maccabees,) the writings of Jofephus,Philo, and the like. Whertthe fecond Temple was deftföyed by the Romans,ànd the Jewes Common-wealthoverthrowne, &their peo- ple fcattered , about the yeer of Chrift 150. R. Judah hannafr began to gather the private writings , notes records and obfervaii iii which were in the hands of the DoEtors of his tinge, &to compile them in one volume : othersafter him added moe unto them,wi.h their own Commentaries; which worke they called the 7halmud,or DoEtrinall. In which they have recorded the praEtife of the Law from old titñe,intheir Common - wealth& Church, according to their underftanding : but-fo,as many Jewifh fables, vaine traditions received from their fathers , and fall expofitions of the Scriptures, are mixed with other things of better no and ufe.The Thalmud called Ierufalemi,was finifhed about the yeer °f our Lord 230. and the other called Babeli, about the yeere 5óo. according to the Canons and con- waits whereof the Jewes livë to this day. Thefe longfome volumes were after abridged by Moles Isanneof Maimon, (calt Maimony, and Rambam)who lived ooryeers after 'ffa WO( a4. p" faN 40 64eá`/ our