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14., 5. of the marriage betweene Salmon and Rachab, ç larth. r.k. and the like, .da. g. 36, 37. g The Gentiles were fallen from God, and turned his truth into a lie,and corrupted re- ligion with their fables and vanities,; Rom. t. yet the Holy Ghoft citeth and maketh ufe of their fayings in the Scriptures, AEk 17.28. 29.1 Cor. r g.33.Tit.1. r z.And who hath ever interpreted the vifions of Daniel, and of the Apoftle Tohn in the Revelation, without the helee of the nodes of the Maccabees, Jofephus, Polybius, Eufebius, and other humane Writers? Wherefore as I my felfe have reaped light and profit by thé things which I have read in filch, fo have I noted fundry of them, for the good of others. Ag for the Excepti- ons taken again(1 the Greeke verfron of the Bible, (fo much approved by the Holy Ghoft in the new Teftament) and the Chaldée paraphrafes,they are fuch, as before men of know- ledge and underftanding need no further reply. 4-4.0154aktuluta ct iklat.44A4 i i l 3 Efi kt Of the Interpretation of the ftone Jahaloin, in Exon 28 18. IWill only annex a few words about á place of Scripture, for the interpretationwhere - of I am fpecially blamed. It is for expreffing the Hebrew Iahalom, in Exed. 28. t 8. by the Greeke name Sardonix, as I underhand the Holy Ghoft to expound it, in Revel.z r. Ir 2o. I am asked for proofe or f lsem of proofe,that Zahn did tranflate all the t z'foxes from garons bruit, to the heavenly lerufalem, (in Rev.z a .)and am charged withprefumption in obtrudiú my conceits upon the Holy GhofI, andtaking the xame of Gádin wine : and it is affirmed, that Rhetoric Ihould be tranflated the Adamant or Diamond , according to the example of the bell Tran flators both new and old. All men of any reading doe know how diverfly thofe 12 Bones in Exod. 2.8. are expref- s fed by Interpreters , that fcarcely any two agree together ; if then among many I have fomewhere miffed íninterpreting them it might be imputed to humane infirmity , rather than top-et/roil/on , efpecially feeing I grottndmy-expof Lion upon that other Scripture, Revel.2I..Myproofe, orJhewof proofe , that the Holy Ghoft there tranilateth the a a hones from Exod. z 8. is this : I The continuall courfe of the Spirit of God throughout the booke of the Revelation, which is to take matters,words and phrafrs, 'rota Mofes and the Prophets,and apply them to the things there prophefied.As in Revel.4. the Church is defcribed from theancient fi- gure the Tabernacle of Mofes and from ttheVifiöns of other Prophets,Eray 6. Ezek.t. The number of- z4- 1?Iders, according to the lots &divilönsof the Priefts and yLëvitesTay Da- vid, in 1"ChroT 4.3. - -19. and 25.7.-3 r. The foure living creatures anfwerable in num- ber to the foure ftandards in the campe of Ifrael, Numb-2. in (hape, to the living creatures, in Ezek_. z. Iñ Rev. g. C1yrrft is (hewed like a Lambe thine, according to the facrifice under the ad Téltament In Rev.6. Gods adminiftratióti is fit forth by the fimilitudeof horfes and riders, as iñ Zac . t. and 6. and with fuch judgement as the Prophets threatned of old Efa,yy 34.4. In Revel.. Gods peopleare Cealedon their foreheads,according to Ezek.9.¢. & the twelve tribes ot,, if riel are expreffed by their names.And fo in other things through- out that booke,as the frudious Reader may obferve, which for brevity I will nowomit. If ri., then the whole tenour of that Revelation be to prophetic of matters from formertypes Ir.,,. -..c and prediétions, iris confonant and proportionable that the like is done in level an. F -/ « a And that 21. Chapter foretelling the reftauration of the Church,afrer the fall of_An- tichrift,& with the belt Expofitors have opened i)of the calling againe of the Jewes, according to the prophefies of old, and of our Apoftle in Rom ^i I. it is not Trrrely, but the holy Gho(t,who throughout thofe vifions, & in matters concerning the Gentiles, alludeth to the old Teflament, would much rather doe the like where heprophefieth of the Jewes-. a Mane particulars in that Chapter confirm this, as when the Church is called by the Y old name Irrufálem, Rev.21. ver'.a.1o. and she Tabernacle of God,vert:r.when expreffe mention