üiAtWrYYá,,- 55,, ,i pprr yy'tt''} Q ` y.'rH' kTF T 3 1S.`X4ç 4il , L4 S J ,LS 44 C 4 Sp. 4 Tiv74 4 '3 i W Y. 45 fi rtg.niw m 4 S 1 % 4 m 4&4ít 4! 4"( t A 41 Y4F 1 m. !g?vr %4X 1,;;M JY,14:4 oA,4gnn1,15,14 10 71g7.`1 g A PREFACE CONCERNING D íi V I D, his Lbfe and Acts. A v r o thefon of Ieffe,of thetribe of ludah , of the linage of Abraham in the ' fourteenth generation,was borne in Bethlehem (a town in the tribe of ludah , in the land of Canaan,) about 2917 yeeres after the creation of the World,in the dayes when Samuel the 'Prophet war Judge of Ifrael. He was the b feventh is. s. andyoungeft of all Ie fes fons, of 'leafs e fieeme among them, and t, Sam. 16.1r et to keepe his fathers' flieepe. In the 2 3. yeere of his life, bee was by Samuel the Prophet privately in Bethlehem anointed d King over I frael, in the midfi of his bre- ° t S'm., 6. 3 thren,and the Spirit of the Lord came upon him from that day forward. Hee was ruddy, of a beautifull countenance, and goody to looke to ; at cunning player ontbe fvedta. Harpe, a mighty valiant man of warre, and prudent in flieech,and a comely perfon, and the Lord was with him : Who alfogaYehim thefe teflimoìties and pramifes; g f, g "ß1322 have found David, the foncf lef e, a man after mine owne heart, which/hag fulfill all my will. h I have laid helps on one that is mighty, Jhave exalted one chofen out. b Pf i.69.,9. of the people, with whom i my hand /hall be e fiabli/hed , mine arme alfofhall flreng- , v "r " then him ; I will k beat (kwne his foes before bis face,andplague them that bate bim.',k vary;. &c. In my name fbaQ hit borne be exalted , Swill f et his hand in tbefea;and his right hand; in the rivers ; I will make him my frrft borne, higher than the Kings of the earth. l. /ly mercy will I keepe for bimfor ever, and my covenant fhall Hand fats with him;' biz feed will I make tó endure for ever, and his throne as the dayer of heaven, &c. After I) avids anointing in Bethlehem,he went againe and fed his' fathers "beep: ''s " 76,79, but the Spirit of God wrought mightilyin him. Hee killed m Goliatb,the `Philiflian Giant, from irhofe face " all tbvmen of Ifrael fled away for fearer David overcame him (in the name of the Lordof hof ls) with a fling and with a faone. He was a cun- 1 nin gti u lclan and' p lay in on his Harp e with his hand, he r f re / ed Kin g Saul, ° who was vexed , with an e vill fpirit from the Lord.He was imployed inwars againft v Sam ,S r the Philiflines : and r whither foever Saul fent him, he behaved himfelfe wifely and proftered, and was accepted zn the eyes of kll tbe people; fo that the women of Ifrael qu faart r. fang of him, q Saul bath flame his thoufands,and David his ten thoufands. But that r r e praile 'procured him envie from Saul ever after,andhefought to flay him: but al If- wVadre c se. rael loved him. And though he after tooke to wife 94ichal, Sauls daughter; yet `'SauleLs' ",9. continued his hatred again fi his fonne in lam;and frft fecretly, then openly fought his life : fo that David was faine to flee and hide him fe fe in the land of Ifrael , and in Prange countries., to emu great affiiaion of his joule. I YPral.,, o.. When Saul vas dead,and David "thirtieyeares of age,the men of Judah Y anoin- x ='S;m6st4. ted him King the fecund times in Hebron, over the houfe of Judah. Ifhbofheth, Sauls r' S'm'* fon, relifted him; but David waxed fironger andftronger. Then' all Ifrael anoin e i Cl"" Aaaaaa 2 ted `1TIAN n"