A Preface concerning DA v t D, his fife, and acts ted him King over them , and he reignedin jerufalem. So the time of all bid reigne a zSan,. 54 S was °foryyeeres. In Hebron he reignedo'eer ludab feven yeeres and fax moneths, and injerufalem he reigned 33. yeeres over all Ifrael and Judah. During which, &r a hrro; 9 4 (pace, the Lord flit exercifedhim with many' wars abroad,and troubles at home ;as r z 5.11.13. by the defiling of his daughter ° Thamar, the killing of his fon Amnon,the treafon and &` death of bid fan Abfalon,tbe rebellion of Sheba,and other like forrowes -which God d: Sam., z. dfor his fins chaflifed him`with, fo many and fogreat,that the' pangs of death oval- .. 2samzr s fed him about, the flouds of `Belial (the ungodly men) made him afraid, the cords of t'rfal. 55.4,5 hell compaffed him the fnares of death prevented him his r heart was fore pained within him, and the.terrours of death fell upon bim ; fearfulnefe and trembling came 6 rr'I.3' r z upon him, and horrour overwhelmed him. His g life was lent -with griefe, hisyeeres withfighing, his flrengthfailed, and his bones were confumed. b rfal.56.3.4. 'But alwaies in his feares h he trufled in God,and was not afraid what, flefh could a a Sall. 24.7. ! doe unto him; in his difire f e i he calledupon the Lord,and cried to his God,who heard &Verf r7 0. his rvoice eut of his Temple, and drew him out of k many waters from his firong enc. ex, ', mie,and from them that hated bim,and brought him forth into a large place, and deli - t Vert 36, &c. veredhim,becat fe bee delighted in hum. Heegave him the 1 fhieldof his falvation, ] andgirded him with flrength to battell,andgave him the necks of his enemies,that he ° mverr.go. deflroyed thof e that batedhim. Therefore hegal'e thankes unto the Lord' among the n rfa.g7. s. I. nations,and fang praifes unto his names" awaking up his glory, awaking up his Pfal- ter, and Harpe,awaking himfelfe early, to praife the Lord among the peoples, and to b rfal.y9.16. fing unto him among the nations : f o he fang of his ° power,he f ang loud of his mercy in the morning, that God had beene his defence and refuge in the day of his difiref e. And hereof this booke of Pfalmes(moll whereof David made) is aglorious tefli- moty; wherein by manifold T falmes,and Hymnes, and fpiritual Songs,hee fetforth the praif of God,bis owne faith in his Word, exercife and delight in his Law, with narrations of gods former and pre Pent mercies, and prophefues of future graces to p Ai.s.3 ° befulüedin Chrifl,whom he (being a (P rophet) p knew that hefbould be the fruit o his bins concerning the f efh andfhould fit upon his throne, 'whole incarnation, af- flietions, death, refurreEtion, afcenflon, and eternal! glorious kingdomeandpriefl- hood, he fang by the Spirit, withJuch barrenly melody, as may not only delight but drawinto admiration every underflanding, heart , and comfort the afflilledfoule with fuch confolation as David himfelfe wad comforted of the Lord. g Manz r.r6. Andthe(e his Pfalmes bane everfnce, by the Church of lfrael,by9Chrifl and his Áozn.4.6. & Apoflles,d by the Saints in al ages,bin received and honoured as the oracles of God, "''. citedfor confirmation of true religion,sndTung in the publikeafemblies,adinGods Chro".29 Tabernacle & Temple , where they fang praìfeunto the Lord , with the' words e f: Chr °.7.6. David,& with the inflrumentswhich f he had made over their' burnt - offerings and t z Chron.zs, z 7.17.z N, faCYifices. Now becaufe many things, both for phrafe and matter j are difficult to fuch as are not acquainted with Da-rids language, I bane (out of my (lender flore) annexed a few briefe notes, comparing the Scriptures, and conferring the befi Expofitors,efjiea cially the ancient Greeke and Chaldee rverfions,whereby if any helpe of underftan- ding may arife, thepraife be to God, thecomfort to his people. T H E