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2 3 4 5 6 / A THE BOOKE OF PSALMES, OR HYMNES. PS i I The happineffe of the godly , wboficonverfation deforibed, and their profperity 14(e afruitful! tree. 4 The iontrary cour fi of the wckd, fir which thy and their way the perd h. Blelfed is the man that doth not walke in the counfell of the wicked, nor (land in the way of ftnners, nor fit in the feat of the fcornefall. But bath his delight in the law of Jeho h,& in his law doth hee meditate day and night. And he (hall be as a tree planted by brooks of waters, which fhall give his fruit in his time, and his !cafe (hall not fade, and what - foever he (hall doe,fhall profper. Not fo the wicked; but as the chaflewhich the wind driveth it away. Therefore the wicked lhal not Hand up in judgement, and (inners in the affembly of the jus. Forjehovah know - eth the way of the juft, and the way of the wicked (hall perifh. vinnotations. HE Booke ofPfalmeo] fo ourLord himfelfe 1 intitleth it, Luke 20. t}z. but the Hebrew title 7cbihim,Ggnifieth Hymnes or Praifet. Accpr- ding to the Greche, it is called the Pfalter. Vert t. OMeted] orOHappy, or Well fares the man. A joyfull acclamation for the mans wel- fare and felicities, as going right forward, and fo ha- ving good f,icceffe, Contrary hereunto is Wor,or AGu, Ecclef 10.16,17. Luk.6.2o.24. This word .lfbrei in the Hebrew, is alwayes applied to men, and fo differeth from another word, i4.truc,blef d; which is afcribed both to God and men,Pfa.t 15. 15.18. the contrary whereto is , turfed , P,àl. 37. 22. dotb netwalie] or, bath not walked. But the time pal{, and time to come , are in the Hebrew often ufed for to expreffe continued abtions : Walking fignifieth ones converfatione, both touching faith and workes, Pfalm 119. t. Gen.5.24. com- pared with Hebr. i 1.5, 6. 2 Pet. 2. 10. lud. t t. To walk in the counfeU of any is either to doe as they advife and fuggelt; as didAhaziah,2 Chron. 22.3,4,5 or by imitation to doe like others be- fore, as did Ifrael,Mich.6.i 6.B,t in every refpe& the cormp of the wiclted (hould bee farm from us, lob 21.16. and 22.15. Wicked] that is, em- gody: fo our Englithword meaneth, being made of theold Danilh wgudelig; or we may call them according to the original!, &pee turbulent, un- jufi,ungraciom. The Hebrew rafbangb, fignifieth refllefnef,and is oppofed to rluietnofjè, lob 34i29. Such men are without peace in themfelves, and feeke to difturbe and molest others, Prov. 4. 16. likened therefore to the raging fea, Efay 47.26, r. And becaufc for their cvill deeds they ace often brought forth to judgement,& condemned; therefore is this name given to condemned perfons, Prat.1o9.7.Iob 27.7. And as to make jufi,or j'ofif¡,ji fie, is to acquit or abfolve in judgement, Ptal. 82. 3. fo, to make or pronounce wicked, is tocwdemne, PC1.3733 and 9Æ.21.Dent.25.1. Way]erack, ortrod'. This word all() fignifieth any religien,do- ¿Irine, manner!, aiiont, adminif+ration, or ramie of &,rc, Pfal.5.9. and 25.4. and 86.11. Aer 18.2 5,s 6. and 22.4. 2 Pet. 2. 2. 15. 21: fitment] or mifdoert , erroneous, enormeut. Though there is no man juû on earth, that doth good, & finneth not, Eccle.7.22.yet Inch are ufually calledfìnnert,as be given to vice, & have the court of their life evil, Aaaaaa 3