, PsALMiB II.: !Gen.t3.13. I Sam.15.18,Pfal.26,9. and 104.36. Mart. 26. 45. Luke 7.37. Ioh.9. 16. 31. In this rcfpe&, they that are borne of God,are faid not to finne, r I0h.3.9. and Solomon oppofeth the finer to the good man, Eccleí9.2. See the note on Pfal.4 5 not fit in the feat] or , and hash not fitt en, &c. Tofit is to abide, continue, dwell, Pfal.2.4. and 101. 6,7. and 132.14. or to company, and have familiari- ty with any, Pfal. 26. 4, 5. And the originall mo- fhab here Engli(hed feat, is diverfly ufed, as, for a feat or chaire to fit en , 1 Sam. 2o. 25. lobs 9.7. (which noteth authority;) fometime, an habitati- on or dwelling, Pfal.107.4.7. and 133.13. fometime an affife, faggot , or of mbh, Pfala07.32. And fo may it be here taken for the affmblyof thefcornfull, and their foeièty,as the Chaldee verlion explaineth it. Thefornefull] Proud rhetoricallmockers,, Lofels. Theword importeth pride, as, the Lord fcorneththe corners, Prov. 3.34. that is, refiheth the proud, I3m.4.6. I Pet. 5.5. It implieth alfo e- loquence, often tiled in mockes, Iob 16.2o. The Greeke tranflateth them pefilent; they are of the worft fort of (inners, which admit of no reproof: therefore it is laid, Rubuke not a flamer, left bee hate thee, Prov.9.7.8. Verf.a. bath his delight] or hie pkafure is. Law]or eloilrine. See the notes on Pfal: t 9,8. lehovab] or the Lord,as the Greek and the new Te- (lament ufually expreffeth it.The opening of this name, fee on Pfal. 83.r 9. andGen.2, 4. clotbmedttate] órfbalmeditate,thatis, u04 medi- taleth. This word importeth study and exercise of the mind, which often burfteth out into voice. It is ufed for mufing in the mind or heart, Prov. 24. 2. Efay 33. 18. for muttering with the mouth, that which the heart mindeth, Pfal. 2.1. and 37.3o. Prov.8. 2. Ifa. 59.3. but with a low imperfect voice, Ifay 8. r 9: day and night] òr, by day and by night, that is, continually. VerC3. Brookes] or, hakes , riverets; in Hebrew called Plagim, that ìs , divifons or partitions, being little firearms derived either from a great river, as Pfal.46.5. or from a well or fountaine,as Prov. 5. 16, or from any other head, Iob 39.6. In hot countries they ate to ;plant gardens mere well - fprings of water, from which the husband -man deriveth many little becks or riverets , to run on the roots of the trees let in a rew, wherebythey are monied and made fruitfull. See Ezek. 3 r.3. 4. Ecclef2.6, According tothis,Chrihis called the fountain of the gardens, that is,of the Churches, Song.4.15. AIfo inlet. 17. 8. the godly man is likened to s tree planted 'by waters, which thru- fteth out his roots by the river, and feeleth not when the heat comnteth, and careth not for the yeere of drought, nor ceafeth from making (or yeelding) fruit. inhis time] that is, in clued= or leaf n ; fa Pfal.1 04.37. and 145.15. Lev.26.4. The Chaldee tranflateth, robofe fruit it ripe in his time. wbatf ever be_hall doe] or, all that it frail make oryeeld,meaning the tree, the resemblance of the man. For a tree is Paid to make fruit, when it hared, oryeeldetb it,Ier.17.8. So in Matth.3.8.1 o. where men are trees, & their workes fruits, which they make or yeeld. Sball profper] or thrize,and fo be ofgood ufe.And this is in a tree,when the fruit is for mear,and the leafe for medicine; as Ezek. 47. I2. The jut mans fruit , is the fruit of she tree of life, Prov. t 1.3o.So the Chaldee(in the Maforites Bi- ble) talleth this tree here fpokcu of,the tree of life. Verf,4, drizeth it away] or toff tb array; there- fore the Chaldee, for roind,tranílateth wbirle wind, or tempefi; and in Iob 21.18. it is faid,fuch areas chaff that the tempefl flealetb away. Compare alto Pfal.3 5.5 Hof. 13.3. The word it is added for vehemencie fake,and may be omitted in our Eng lita, as it is fometime in theHebrew, z Chro,z8. 3. compared with 2 King. 16.3. yet filch manner of speeches the Greeke alto in the New Tesla+ ment ufeth, Reve1.7.2.9. Verf.5._pond up] or r i f e u p , c o n f f i , h a n d f o r e ; op- poled to b e n d in g or falling dowse, Palm. i .3 9. and 2o. 9. God is hee that rifeth up to judgements, Pfal.76.1 o. & men doe f and or fall therein, when they are jufhified or condemned. See Mat. r 2.4r, Kev,6.1 6. So the Chaldee (in the Maforites Bi- ble) expoundeth it, they fball not be jufl_ified in the great day of judgement. and fnntrr ] to wit, _Pali not Hand up. The former deniall,not, is again to be underhood,as in Pfal. 9.19. Verf.6, knowetb] or acfçnowledgetb. This word alto importeth regard and careoj; as, the jute man knowetb (that is, regarder') his beafts li£e,Prov.i 2. 1 o. fo Iob 9.21. r Theft. 5.13. Alto to approve, or allow, as Psalm. 1 0.1.4. Rom. 7. 15.1 Ioh.3.2. And as Gods i,zowkdge of his, implieth their ele- £lien, 2 Tim. 2.19. fo his not knowing of the wic- ked,implieth their rejetlion, Mat. 35.12. & 7.23. "hallperifb] or,be done away,decay, be lof .To this way of the winked, which perefbetb, is oppofed the good way, which is everlafttmg; wherein DaviddeG- red God to lead him,Pfal.139.24. ZSMIZ W.3,1"27,,,-.272`M PSALMS II. I David prophefietbof the r«e of Zeroes and Gent - tiles again_ Cbrif. 4 Gods wrath again_ them for it. 6 Chris u e f abhfhed King, 7 declared to be the Sono cf God, 8 hire and ruler of the world. I o Kings are exhorted to fiebmit unto him. Hy doe the heathens tumul- tuously rage, & the peoples meditate vanity.:' The Kings of the earth let themfelves, and the Princes doe plot together againft Jehovah,& againft his Chrift. Let us break their bands,& call their cords from us. He that fìttrth in the heavens laugheth , the Lord mocketh at them. Then will he fpeake unto them in his anger, & in his wrath he willfuddenly trou- ble them. And I have anointed my King up- on Sion , the mountain of my holinefïe. 4 6 2 3 4 S 6