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7 8 9 Ie II Ia s ///lllnul úi, lmllaf//a/ PSALMS II. I will tell the decree ; Jehovah Paid unto met thou art my fon I I thra day begat thee. Aske of mee and I vvil give the Heathens for thine inheritance,& the ends of the earth for thy firme poffetlion. Thou (halt rough- ly rule them vvith a rod of iron, as the veffel of a potter thou (halt fcatter them in peeces. And novv, O ye Kings, be prudent, benur- tured ye Judges of the earth. Serve yee le- hovahvvith feare, and be glad vvith trem- bling. Kiffe yee the forme left he be angry, and ye peri(h in, the vvay , vvhen his anger (hall borne fuddenly ; O bleffedare all that hope for fafety in him. Annotations. I VV ÍIT]or, For wbát? David was the wri- ter of this Plainte (as the Greeke prefii- eth this title, APfaimeof David:)andbeebegïn- neth with marvelling at the rage and folly of the Iewes and Gentiles,in perfecuting Ghrftl and his Chúf ch, Aft.4.25, &c. And as Davidhimfelfe was a figure of Chrift in his kingdotne, and a father of him according to the Beth : fo fbffered he the like oppofition at the hands of hisown¢ people, and of the nations round about him,2 Sam,2, to. and 3.1. and.5. t 7. and 1 o.6, 7, &c. Titmultu- oufly rage] or, hurele together, convene midi rage and up- raremutmoufly. This word is alto tiled inDanieá cafe, Dan. 6.6. t r, and after in Pfalm. 64.3. The Greeke epbruaxan, whereby the Holy Ghoft tran- (lateth it , 4, 25, denoteth rage, pride, and 'fiercenet, as of horfes that neigh and rulli into /the battell. peoples ] or nations ¡ under thefe names are comprehended the Iewes with the Gentiles, A &,4.27.28. meditate vanity] mutter a vaine or empty thing , which (hall have no effeft. And here the Hebrew changeth the time (as it doth very often otherwhere) will meditate, noting by fuck hra(e a eominuanee of the aftion, as they that did Bill or ufually meditate vaine things. But theholy Ghoft in Aft.4.25.keepeth like time here as before:whofe example I follow,according to the propriety of our tongue. So after in this Pfalme and many other., The Hebrew text it felfe fometime doth the like, as lIai. 37.33.compared with a King. 9.33. Seethe notes on PCal. t 8.7. 2 Vería. Set themfelves] or prefent themfelves , will ffand up, noting a felled purpofe in the heart, with a Banding up in person to aft the fame, t Gluon.' 1.14. princes] rulers, or privieeounfel- krs, fubtle, prudent, and imployed in making de- crees,Prov.8. t 5. next therefore in lace to Kings, and joyned with them, as here fo in Iudg. 5.3. Hab, I , t O. Prov.3 r,4. plot] confßire, or, are four - ded,that is,have their foundation,plot,orground- worke laid,as, Exod.9.t 8. íC1.44.28, and this by affembling and confulting,and is therefore inter - preted,gathered together, A &.4.26. So the Ghaldee tranflateth it , confciate (or joinedtogether) to rebel( before the Lord, and to fight againfl his anointed. Chrifl] or Anointed, in Hebrew, Mafbiach or Mef fiat,which word,though it be generali for the an- dent Kings andPrietls, and Prophets that were anointed with oyle,(Pfal.89.2I.and t o 5. t 5. Ifa. 454 . Numb,3,3. t King.s9.t6.)yet is itprinci- pally the name of the Son of God, our Saviour, Dan.9.25.26. who was knowne in Ifìael by the name Mfac, Ioh. t. 41. and 4. 25. and among Greekes, by the name Chrifl; of whom wee that beleeve in his name,are all° called Cbrifli ens, Aft. 11.26. becaufe we have an Anointing fromhim tbat is holy, t being firtianoin- ted with the Spirit, and with the oyle of glad- neffe above his fellowes, Luke 4.18. Pfahu.45.8. Of him is this PfaIm interpreted by his.Ilpolilcs, laying; Cif a truth , Lord, againfi tby holy Child le- ftu,mbomthan aiiointedfl, gathered were both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the nations and peoples of If- rael, tedoe whatfeever thy band end thy cotmf ll hadfore- determined to be done, Aec.4.27.28. Verf.3. their bands] There were lignes of fub- jeftion,Ier. 27.2,3.6.7. And thus the Kings and nations fpeak,refì#Bngto ferve Child, though his yoke be eafie, Matt. i.t9.3o,Ier.5.5. Tbe He- brew phraíe mo , importeth their bands and his; fpeaking of the Father and the Son joyntly, and of the Son in(peciall: but bee that banaurethnst the Some , b,» ouretbnat the Father which lint him , Ioh. f. 23. So in the verfe following, the Lord moeketh at the/Nand at him ; meaning them all joyntly, and each feverally. The likexnanner of fpeech fee in Efay 53.8, and 44.15. Lam.4.1o. Píal, 5.12. and 11.7. and 49. 14. and 59.9. Iob 22.19. Excd. t 5. t 5. Deut.32.23 32,35.37 cords] orrapes,tbic& twìfled bandi : lignes allb of fubjeftion and re- Bíaint , lob 39. 15. Ezek. 4.8. and fometime of love, Holes Verfe4. The Lord] in Hebrew, Adopt;; which in this forme is the peculiar title of God; having the forme plural], and vowels of Masai, my(li- tally fignifying my pies, or my fnffaine; s,my pillars. And where in one place Adonai is uCed another (peaking of the fame thing hath fometime Ieha. vab. See with Kahn, I084. Itcom meth of .Eden, a bafe or pillar which fullainetli any thing. The Chaldee tránflateth it,t he Word of the Lord, that is, the title of Chril(t, Lohn t. 1. Revel t 9.13. Our Englifh word Lord hat h much like force, being contrafted of the old Saxon Laford, or Hlaffore4 which commethof Laef, to fu ae, refrefb, cherifh. moeketh ] milImock, deride. This implieth both their folly, their punilhment for it,and how God will leave them helpleffe in their miferie, Plainte 59. 9. Prov. 26: 28. It is fpoken of God, after themanner of men, that he laughetb, mocketh, is angry, and thelike, not that he bath filch pallions as men but becaufe bee doth Inch things as men di to do when they are moved with [itch paflioni : and as the Hebrew Doftors fay Tbelaw fpeal1tb (of God) aasrdhng to tbe language of the formes of Adam. See the Anno- tationS on Gen.6.6. Verse 3 4 ArdP11l / /IIlllll@hllli 111A'II III /