PSALME' ll. 5 Verfe 5. anger] ire, outward in the face , frame, grimnehe or fìercemf of countenance. The original[ aph fignifieth both the Nofe by which one breath - eth, Prat. t 15. 6. and Anger which appeareth in the Muffing or breathing of the nofe; as Saul is faid to breath ont threatninigs and, flaeegbter, A &s 9. i. The circumlfantes of the Text will Thew which of the two is meant : though fometime it is doubtful', as Pfalme 138.7. wrath] ferum ire, inflamed difpleafure . This word Charon , noteth burning or inflammation of choler , fometime of Briefe, Gen.4.5. Ier.4. I o. fometime of other af- fe&ions,Nehem.3.2o. fuddrnfjtrouble] orreca, apall fright,makthemtohart. It notethhafiineffe of frae and trouble : oppoled to frrme ftaiednffé. 6 Verfe6 And 1 ] The word And is here a figne of indignation Ifirred,as was in the Apotfle,when he faid,Andfittefi thou to judge me,&e. Alts 23 3. or and may be ufed here for %set , as in Genei'.4a. i o. Ifai. 10.20. and often otherwhere. have anointed] or powredout, that is, ordained, authorized by powring out the oyle of the fpirit,the ogle of glaoneffe, as is noted on verfe 2. Of this word Nafie that fignifieth to jhed or porore out , Naficke is ufed for agovernour, or one in authority , Pfalme 83. 12. IOC 13. at. Mic.5.5. Dan. it. 8. According hereto, the wifedome of God faith, Prov.8.2 3. was anointed (or autboriz.'d from everlaffing. In Da- vidGhrifts figure ;this was outwardly performed, when hee was anointed King, with oyle, 1 Sam. 16.1.1 ;. and 2 Sam.2.4. and 5.3. upon Sloe] or, over Tf:jon, the name of an high mountain in Ierufalem, on top whereof was a f Tong fort, which the heathen Icbufites kept by force front Ifrael, till Davids dayes, Iof..t5.63. 2 Sam. 5.6,7. but he tooke it from them,fortified it, and called it Davids citie, 1 Chron. 11.4, 5.7. Neere unto this was mount Marijah, whereon Solamonbuilt the Temple ,1 Chron. 3. 1. Hereupon Ierufalem was called the holy sitie, Neheni. 1 Lt. Efay 51. t. and 48.2. Matt. 4.5. with Luke 4.9. and Sion is named the Lords holy mountain, Ioel 3.17. which he loved, PCal.78.68.from which the law should tome forth, Ifay 2. 3. and where he would dwell for ever,Pfa.13 2.1 2,14. Therefore was it a figure of Chrifts Church,Heb12.22.Revel i41.Ifa.6o. 14. mauntaineof my halineffe] or my mount of holineff, that is, my holy mount, as the Greeke tureeth it. So the Temple of Gods bolinef Pfalme79,1. and people of his bolineffe, Efay 63.58. And in fpeech to Daniel, Ierufalem is called, the citie of his holine , that is, bin ho /y eftie,by him fo efteerned and regarded,Dan. 9. 24, Such Hebrew phrafes, becaufe they are more forcible , the Apoftle often tiled in Greeke, to inure the Gentiles with them : as Chrift is cal- led the Sonne of Gods love , that is, his beloved forme, C01.1.13. our Lord Wm Chrifi of glory, that is, our glorious Lard, Iantes 2.2 and many the like. Verfe 7.I will tell]tellirg is often ufed for preach- ing, declaring , Chewing. as Plat= 22.23. with Hebr. 2,12. Exod. 9 r 6. with Rom. 9. i 7. So hereby Chrift noteth his prophetical! office. the decree] Here the Hebrew el fèemetb to be ufed for oh : as elhadderceb, 2 Chron.6. x7, is the fame that etb baderech, t King,8.3 6. we may allo read it thus,. /mill tell of the decree ; el being many times nfedfor of as Gen.2 o.á. Job 43.27. 2 King. r 9.3 z. Ier.5i. 6o. So the Greeke pros ( anfwering to the He- brew el) is ufed for of or concerning, Heb. I. 7. and 4.13. decree] prefeript , law or prate : the Greeke tranflateth it, the ordinance of the Lord; the Chaldee, the Covenant if God. The Hebrew Cbac( ufually denoteth the rules , decrees , and ordinances about Gods worfhip, as the decree of the Paffèover, Exodus t2.24.43the decree of dreUing the lamps, Exodus 27.21.4 the Prieffs office and garments, Exodus 29.9. of their wafhing, Exodus 30.21. of thefacritices, Levit. 3. t 7. and 6. 18.22. and many other things about Gods lervice. So may it here be taken , that Chrift preaebetb the decree or rule of his calling to the office of Priefthood , as the Apoftle gathereth front this place, Hebr.5.5 or of ferving God., fulfilled of us by faith and obedience to his Golpe!, when theft legali ordi- nances had an end, Ioh.4,2I, &c. thou art my forme] Though holy men bee called the [cenes of God,Deut 14.1.1 Ioh.3.1. and likewife Angels, Iob 1.6. and 38.7. yet is this title natural' & pe- culiar to our Lord Iefus,the only begotten of the Father;whereuponthe Apoftle faith,to which of the Angels faid be this at any time ? Heb. t .5. The word art is fupplied by the Apoflle,in Alls 13,3..3. the like is fometime in the Hebrew Text it feelfe as, T rue was the word, I King.' o . 6. which in 2 Chro. 9. 5. is, True the word : fo, Thon leading out,,. r Thou Waft leading out , zSam.5.a. Alf() in the Greeke of the New Teftament, Summer neere,Mat.24.32,Sainmer it neer,Luk. a 1.30 I, this day]or, to day begat thee. The word shot is often omitted in the Hebrew ; as Deut 4.4 8.3;9 and 5.1.3. and 26.17, 18. and often is expreffed,' as Deut. z. 25.30. and 4.20. and 26. 16. and 27.'. 9. Of this point thus 'peaked] the Apoffle: Toe - eking the profile made to the Fathers , God harpfulfilled it unto us their children, inthat be raifed rip lefts, at it is written in the frond Pfalme, Thou art try fanne , I this day begat dote, Alts 1 ;. ;2.33. See allo Rom. I.4 and Hebr.5. 5. where Chrifts calling to bee our high Prieft, is from hence proved. Verfe 8. for thine inheritance] or, a tbincinhe- ritane. This noteth the fubjeltion of th nations to the Sonne of God ; as the li manner of fpeech importeth, Efay 14. 2. Zeph. 2. 9. Lech. 25.46. Hereupon Chrift is called beire, that is, Lordof all, Heb.i. 2. See Pfalme 82.8. Ier.49.2. for thy forme pohifon] or, to bee thy tenement , to have and to hold. It impliethChrifts government of the world; and fo the Chaldee expoundeth it,tbe dominion of the ends of the earth for thy pnffèffiaes. The word for, or Tome filch like, is here to bee under- flood and fometime the Hebrew expreffeth it: as the houfe, I King. 7. 51 . in !lead of, for the boufe, 2 Chron.5.1. fervants, 1 Chron. 18.6, in had of for frvants 52 Sam.8. 6. and firndry the like. Verle 9. roughly ode them] or brufe, ernfli them. The word fignifieth to intreat will, or rigororfly: and this is meant of Chrifis enemies. potter] or firmer of the clay: this fignifieth their utter drffrtrlf o:5 8 9