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IO II I2 P.SALME I11. def rufbion ; for spotters veldt broken cannot be made whole apaise, Ier.9.11. Efay 30. 14. So in Dan. 2. 44. it is prophefied, that Chrifls kingdom Mould breake inpesos and confume all t hole kingdomes, and it (hall ffandfor ever. Vera prudent] be Atilt, or, behave your fever skilfully, prudently, wikly. be nurtured] or , re- frained, cbafiiJed, difeiplined: and fo the Chaldee tranflateth, receive chaftifinent yee gevernours (the Greeke faith, all yee Judges) of the earth. Verf.r glad] , his word fignifieth open and man1fl joy {exultation, Or outward glee. Gladne and trembling are here joyned together, .as fiare and joy, Matth.28.8. The Greeks (hewed.) in whom this gladneffefhould be, faying, fewgladneffc unto him ; the Chaldee tranflateth,pr y with trembling. Verf. I a. Kiln theforme] Kiffingwas tired in ligne of love and of obedience, Gen.41.40. I Sam. to. t. it was ufed allo in religion and divine worfhip, 1 King. 19.18. Hof.' 3.2. Iob 31.27. All there are due to Civil} : but Iudas betrayed the Some of man with a kit, Luke 22.48. The Greeke tranfla- teth, Receive nurture (or iaf rulïion) and the Chal- dee, receive daîlrine; both are implied inkiifngof the Sonne,Prov.24.26, perifb in the may] or, from the way. To pee orbelofinthe way, itnpor- teth fudden deltrubtion, whiles they are doing theira&ions :toperifie from the may ,is to wander or lofe the right way,and not know whither to goe. So Dent .3 2.28. periffiing in (or from) a tenfels,is to bee void of eeunf U , not knowing what to delibe- rate. The Chaldee tranflateth it, and yee loft the way: the Greeke, andyee perifh from the jufl way. when bit anger f tall] or fir his anger will burn; or, Tail angry countenance. fuddenly] or very (one, or a very little : this manner of fpeech fometime meaneth a fiert time, fpeediy, Pfal.81. r 5. Efay 26. :o. 2 Chron. t 2.7. fonsecime, a little deale, as Ifa. 1.9. The Greeke here turneth it , fame or fudde:4. See alfo Pfalme 8.6. that hope for fafety] or thatfbrowd, that relie confidently, tbat betake them/elves for refuge and fafety unto him. For, he is made the author of eternall falvation to allthat obey bim, Heb. 5.9. IMAiriMAA3+AMMAMAIda PS AL. III. I David in Abfaloms rebellion complainetb to God of his many enemies : 4 Comfortetb himfilfe in Gods prote- Ilion : 6 7eflifieth hisfeertritytherein. 8 Prayetbfer full deliverance, 9 anda bkf ng upon Cods people. 1 A Pfalme of David when he fled from the face of Abfalom his fount. z how many are my diftreffes 3 many that rife up againft me. Many, I faying of my foule, There is no falvation 4 for him in God Selah. But thou Jehovah art a fhield about me, my glory, & the lifter g up of my head. Withmy voicc I calkd un to Jehovah and bee anfwered mefrom the mountaine of his hohneffe Selah. I lay downe and flept, I waked up, for Jehovah fuflained me. I will not feare for ten thou - fandsof people, which round about doe fet, againft me. Rife up, Jehovah , fave me, O my God ;, for thou haft fmitten all mine enemies an the cheeke bone : thou haft bro- ken thee teeth of the wicked. ToJehovah the falvation : upon thy people thy blelfing, Selah. 6 7 8 9 Annotations. APfalme] called in Hebrew Mizmor , which' I hath the ftgnilcation of pruning or Cuteinpoff fuperfluous twigs, and is applied to fangs made of fhort fentences or vertes ; where many fuperflu- ous words are cut away. There be three kinds of fohgs mentioned In this booke; t Adiemor, in Greek Pfalmos,a Pfalme : 2 Tehillah, in Greek him. MI, a bymme or praife : 3 and Sbir, in Greek Ohé, a fang or Laie. All there three the Apof}le menrio- neth together,where he willeth us to ['peak to our feins with P pima , and Hymnes , and fpirituall Songs,Ephef5.19. of David] or to David: and fo after in this booke ufually. But the He- brew fpeech ufeth there indifferently; as Zafdc- roth, z King.' 5. and hafderoth, 2 Chron.23.r4, l ammaglonalotb and hammegimaloth Kahl 20, t. and I 12r.1. So the fword of Jehovah , Ier. 47. 6. the Prophet of Jehovah,' Kings 22.7. 2 Kings 3.1 I. and many the like. So in the Greeke, Drfiples to thee, Marke 2.18. and Difciples of thee , Matthew 9. 14. are one and the fange. from the face] or, prefenee, or for flare of: So the woman fled from the face of the Cerpent, Rev. r 2.I 4. Of Davids flight it is thus written; Then David faid to all bis fer - vants that were with him in Ieree f lem , Rife up and kt ut fiee, fir we fhall nt efcape elfe from the face of Abfa- kn; make ¡peedto depart , let hee come fnddenly and take ur,and bring evil upen uo,andfmite the chie with the edge of the fword. So the King departed and all his hou fhold after blot, a Sam. a 5.14.16. his finne] David having finned in defiling Bathfheba , and killing her husband' Vriah , 2 Sam. I I. was threatned therefore tif God, that hee would raite up ee. vili againft him ; out of his owne bottle a Sam.12.s t.which was fulfilled in this rebellion of Abfalom. Verre z. bawmany are]or,bow multiplied are. For, the emfpiracie mat great, and the people multiplied fill with 4,lb ¡atom, a Sam.' 5.12. Verfç 3. Manyfaying] or, hew many the fay ? 3 of my (iule] that is of ene, of my life, concerning me ; or, to my foule, and fo the Greeke tranflateth it. no falvation] or, no mannerfalvation ; no health, helpe or deliverance at all. The Hebrew hadj a letter more than ordinary, to Munk the lignificati- on. The like is in many other places, as Hal' 44. 27.' //////NNH1ViitN IÌÍANI fÍllílePININEW7