PSALME !V, 27. and 92.16. and 94.17. and 63. 8. and 125.3. Iob 5.1 6. God] in Hebrew IE /whim, which is the firfi name whereby the Creator of all is called in ScriptuseÖcrt. i. i.Scc the Annotations there. And it is in the plurall number, to lignifie the myllerie of the Trinitic in theVnitie of the God - liead; and therefore is joyned commonly with other words of the fingular number , and fome- time of the plurals, indifferently ; as iLlohim, hee went,' Gluon. i 7.21. and Alobim,ihey ment,a Sani. 7.2 3. See Pfal. 5 8.1 s. It is f òmetime uCed (though niole leldome) in the forme fiugular,Á 7oalo,Pfal. I, 18.3 2.&c And it may be derived either from IEI, which fignifieth mighty; and fo by increafe of the word, the figttification is incrcafed,moft mighry,or the Almighty: or from Al.h, to adjure; becaufè of the cotenant: oath , and execration, wherewith wee are boundmita God; according to that in Deut.29. 12. 14 19. Nehem.10.29. Ecclef. 8.2. This honou- rable naine is alai given to Angels, Pfalm.8.6. and to Magiltrates, Pial. 81.1, 6. becaufe God hath communicated with them his word, Iohn 1 0.24. 25. Se/ab] This Hebrew word fignifieth elevation, or liftingup, whether of the mind, to marke , or of the voice to draine it, or of both. And for the matter, it fecmeth to import an affe- veration of a thing fo to bee, and an admiration thereat. For the manner, it is a note of finging high, and therefore is Mid only iu Piolmcs and Songs.and alwayes at the end of verfès,excepting fonce few places, Pla1.55. so. & 57.4. Hab3.3.9, where it is fet in the midst. The Chaldee Para - phraft, and Tome other Hebrewes have turned it, For ever, our Dot-fort of Riled memory have faid that every place where it it written , 2Y t fach, Scioto, and Gbned, there is no ceafng (or end) of that thing, faith R. Menachem onLevit.25. The Grecke verfion makes it a muficall notion, Diapfa/ma. Vcrfe 4. afbield aI out me] or, for me, that is, a pro - 4 tetlor,adejender. So Gen. t5.s.Deut.33.29 Phil. 84.12. glory] or, honour, which in the He- brew hath the lignification of weightineye orgra- vity; which the Apoltle fcemeth to refpet, men- tioning the eternal!weight of glory,a Cor. 4.17. Da- vid here talleth God his glory, who had advanced him to kingly dignity ; path as our Saviour cal - Iethglery,Mat.6.29. the lieiier up] or, exalter lof my head, that is giveft me villory, honour and tri- umph. So Pala 7.6. and 110.7. 5; Verfe 5.heanfwered ] or, heard: but to an[rce,- is Ito certifie by Ionic meanes, that he heareth ; as by hclpe or deliverance from danger, Phi1.22.22. Efay 41.17. (fò to anfwer by fire t Kings 18.24.) therefore it importeth more than bare bearing, Efay 30.19. and 58.9. The Chaldee tranflateth, be received my prayer , from the mountait e of the bottle of hit S.military fir ever. 6 Verte 6. I lay downe ,&e.] This fpeechdenoieth f fay and fcterity from danger and dread of evill Lev. 26.6 lob t1.19.Pfanra 4.9. Ezck 34.z5.Pro.3.24. ! Verte 7. doe feet] to wit, thcnifelver in leaguer, or in bauei -ray, or fer their engins. So Efay 22.7. V. 8. in the chceke -bore] a figue alCo of reproach, as Iob 16 to. Vert 9.7oIebovahthefalvation] towit, is, or 9 belongetb ; or, Of lehovah is falvation, helpe, or do /ive- ranee Keve1.27.1O. and 19.1. 7 be privation to our God. Like fpeeches are, Hulinejje to Jehovah, Exod.28.36. To Jehovah the warrc, t Salmi 7.47. To Jehovah the earth, Pfal. 24.1. and many the like.The Chaldee fitith,From before the Lord is redemption : the Greeke, Of the Lord thy bleffng]This word when it is fpo- ken of God towards man,(as in this place)figni- fieth a plentiful! bellowing of good things, earthly or heavenly,Gcn. 2 4.3 5 . Dal r.28. 2,3,4. &c. Ephef, 1.3. Gai.3.8. W hen it is fpoken of men towards God,it betokeneth praife or tbankfgizing,by word or deed,Deut. a. I o. Pfal.10 3.1.2. Luk. 1.64. and 2.28. And that which in Matth.r 26.26. is called b /cfng, in Luk.22,1 g. is called thankefgiving. W hen it is Ipoken of men towards inen , it fignifieth fometime falutaion, as Gen. 47. 7. a Sam. fometime agifi, or a benevolence as I San,. 25.27. 2 Cor.9.5. 2 King. 5.15. fometime apronouncing (by way of prayer or prophefie) of good things in the name of God,as Gen.14.19.20. Numb. 6.23. 24. In this frgnificatiolt, the le it b/effed of the'. greater, Heb.7.7. +44+ ++ l ++4440 4+4444 4444441 2 David prayeth to Gad for audience; 3 Reproved, hit enemies for oppofrng him in vaine; 5 Exhartetb them to repent andtruff in the Lord. 7 Gods favour more joy-1 eth the heart than all riches : 9 therein Davidfcuretb¡ himfe/fe. To the matter of the maficke on Negi- noth, a Pfalme of David. Hen I call, anfwer mce, O God, of my juftice 5 in di. i} retie thou haft made roomth for mesbe graciousto me,and heare 3 my prayer.Sons of men, how long(hall my glory be to ignominie ; will ye love vanity wil ye Peek a Iie,SelaheBut knowye that Je. hovah hath marvelloufly feparated a graci- ous Saint to him: Jehovah will hearewhen I call unto him. Bee flirted and fin not,fay in your heart upon your bed and be ftil,Selah. Sacrifice ye the fac, Fees of juftice,and trutl unto Jehovah. Many doe fay, Who will taupe us to fee good elift thou up over us the light of thy face Jehovah. Thou had given joy in my heart, more than of the time when their corne and their new wine were multi - plied.. In peace together will I lie down and fleepe, for thouJehovah alone wilt feat mee in confidence. Ps AL. I V. z L4nnotations. O the Mailer of the mill-1(1e] or, To theover- Jeer, to him that excelleth: the Ghaldeetranf- lateth 4 T 6 7 8 9 I