F/lluhiiùr,wlafir PSALM E V. 1 meth it, to frog. The original! word Menatfach I fignifieth one that urgeth the continuance of any tieing , unto the end, or the going forward with a works till it be overcome, 2 Chronic. 2. 2, t 8. and 34. t z, 13. Ez- ra 3. 8,9. and inch as in 2 Chron.2.18. are called Menatfbim, mafiers, are in I King. 5. Y 6. called Rodin, ruI r.r. And in.mufick, there were Levites appointed for feverall duties, and Tome knatfearb, to ply, or to fet forward,and be aver the reft, i Chron. 15 .zLand thefewere filch as excelled in the art of flinging and playing on inftruments, to whom frmdry Pfalmes are intittiled , that by their care and dire&ion they might be Lung excellently un- to the end. There were in Ifrael fume Levites fingers that attended therunto, and had no other charge, I Chron. 9.3 r. on 2lginotb] that is, ft ringed inf[rummrsofmufzeke, played on with the band. See the note on Pfal. 33.3 2 Verf a. when I call] or, in mj calling; which the Chaldee expoundeth , In the time of My prayer, re- ceive thou it of me. God of my juffice] that is, my jug Gad, author ern) juillet, and avenger of my jail caufi. in diffreffe] or in ffraitnef, thou haft wide - ned or enlarged for me. prayer] appeale, interpella- tion or intereefon, wherby we refer the caulk of our felves or others to the judgement of God, calling upon him, appealing to him for right, praying againft condemnation,or the like. For the Hebr. word rephillab commeth of iaea to judge or deter - »nine caufes for which appeales are made,, Sam.2, 25. and Pelilitu, are Itedges or Arbiters, Exo. 21.22. whereupon to pray, is in Hebrew, bithpallel, as it were to appea/e orprefrnt bimfe/f and hie caufeunto the fudge, or to judge ones filk. 3 Verf 3. Sons ofmen] Hereby is meant, Great men, the Hebrew being Ifb, which is the name of Alan, In re fpe4`t of his power and digr,itie , as appeareth after in Pal. 49.3. thou np glory be to ignominie] or, will ye turne my honour to defamation, flander,and calumnie. God had protniled David the honour of the kingdom,which Saul with his Nobles fought to defame and calumniate, and Co turne it to (harm and reproach. will yee fekea lye ?] or ,yee feeke aye,or deceiveable falflieod;ye fek that which fbaa nao come to pay. The Hebrew Cazab (here ulèd) is filch a lie as deceiveth mens expe &arion, Job 4o. 28. M1.89.36.11-3.58.1 1. 2 Kings 4.16. Verfe 4. marvelloufly feparated] or frrltticd in won- drous jirt, exempted as with Come tigne of excellen- cie,enaedout. So God marvelloufly fevered the Ifrae- lires from thelRgyptians, Exo.8.22. and9,4. and 11.7. See alfo Pú1.17.7. Exo.3 3. t 6. agracious Saint] or pioue bolt', mercifua one, meaning himfelfe. The Hebrew Cbafid, (which the New Teftament in Greeks calleth haftet, that is, plow or holy, Aás 13.35.) fignifieth one that hath obtained merde, goodnef e pietie, grace and benignitie front the Lord, and is againe(after Gods example) piotitr,kind,gra- ciaus and mercifiea to others, Neh., 3.14. See Pfal. 136.1. to hint] that is, his gracious, Saint, as tape Greeke explaineth it ; or referring it to the for- mer, he bath feparated to bimfelfe a gracious man. S Verfe 5. Be furred] or Be mmmoved, which may be uuderffood, Be angry, be grieved, or tremble : and 4 the Chaldceaddetlifrbim ,meaningGod. Theo - riginall word Ragez noteth any flirring or mating, Job 9. 6. as to be moved or tremble with feare, Pfal. 18.8. Deut. 2.25. ha. 14.9. to be moved witbgricfe, 2 Sant. 18. 33. to be flirred with anger, Prov. 29.9. 2 Kings I 9. 27,28. Ezek. t 6.43. This latter the Greeke here followeth,f.nying, Be angry,ondfin not , and the Apoftle hath the fame words Eph.4.26. fin not]or mifdoe nat.This word fign itieth to ring of theway or marke: as in Jud.2o.16. men could ' fling (tones at an haires bredth and not fzn,that is,, not mil : and Pro. r9.2. he that is bailie with his foot frrmeth,that is,mii fètb or fwarvetb. In religion Gods law is our way and mark,from which when we fwarve wefin. Therefore fin is defined to be tranfgrefazolaw ,orgenlawfubieIJi,1Joh.3.4. ft' inyoter heart that is,mindferioufly what youdo,and what thnesd will be; Confider wühyourßhes. The like phrafe is in Pfa 14.1. and 35.25. Mat. 2448. Rom. o. 6. Revel. 18.7. be fill) or filent, flay, pawfe; as I Sans., 4.9. .101.10.12,13. By this word is often meant in Scripture a modell gnietnefs of the mind, the troubled affe &ions being allayed. See Pfal. s 31.2. & 37.7. & 62.2. Lam.3.26. The Chaldee paraphralèth thus; Say your regnefl with your moutb,andyour petition with your hear:,andpray rut- on your bed, and remember the day of death for ever. Verfe 6. Sacrifice] Theword iignifieth killing or 6 flaughtering; as beads were killed for offerings to God, figuring mans mortification, or dying to fin,Pf..5t.tg. facrifteesofjuflice] filch Moferfpea- keth of, Deut. 3 3.19. and David afterward, Pfal. 5 s.z I. meaning facrifuea jell andrigbt,and in faith, according to the intendment of Cods law : con- trary to thofewhich the Prophet reproveth,Mal. 1.14. So facriftces of triumph or jay,Pfa.27.6.arc joy- fullfacrfces offered with gladneffe. And the way of juflice,Mat.2I.3 2.for a tuff or right way. The Chal- dee giveth this fenfe, Subdue your lkffs, and it fball be counted untoyou at ofacriftceafjuilice. :ruff] or be confident, have fedfafl hope, ¡cure and firm confidence ; and it is oppofed to feeblenefe of mind, feare and doubt, Ifa.t z.2. Prov. x8.1. Verfe 7. Many doe fay] Hebr. are frying : which may be turned, doe fay, as in Mat. 22.23. hoi legon- tes, faying, is in Marke 12. 18. boitines legattfi, which [ay. who will caufeNI10 fee] that is,taenjooy,or have the fruition ofgood, Pfal.50.23. And this is the forme of a will]; as David defired atad laid, Who willgive me drink of the water, 6e. t Chron. 1 1.17. I and, who will give me wings on a dove, Pfal.5 5.7. and many the like, the light of tby fate] that is, thy t lightfeeme chearfell face or /oaks, meaning Gods fa -' vour,graee,and the tie/jingo of knowLdge ;comfort, joy, &c. that flow therefrom. This is its Chrilt, who is both the Licht and the Face or Profime of God, Luke 2.32, Expel. 33. 14. and the Angell of biz face, Ifa. 63. 9. According to this phrafe So- lomon faith, In the light of the Kings fare it life, andbit favour is as a cloud of the latter raine, Prov. t 6. r 5. See afro Pfal. 44. 4. and 3 t. 17, 2I. and 67. 2. Job 29.3. Verfe 8. haft given joy] or /ball give or put joy : fo g giving is pled for putting, often times, Pfalmc 8.2. and 7 //O/Yd1di 7'