P Q A L M E V. 9 and 4o.4.and 33.7.and 69.1 2.and 89.2o.and 39 turned rebellious againlf the. And rejoyce (hall all that hope for fafety in thee,for ever (hall they fhowt, and thou (halt cover them : and they that love thy name, (hall be glad in thee. For thou,Jehovah, wilt bletïé the juil one: as with a buckler, with favourable ac- ceptation thou wilt crowne him about. 6. and 1 1 9. 1 10. more than of the time] orfrom of the time. An Hebrew phiafe, where the figne of comparilbn i s wanting; as Gcn.38.26. Pfa.t9.I 1. and t 30.6. The l ike is alto in the. Greeke tongue; as Luk. t 5.7. & 18.4. And of joy in harvelt,when corne is increafed: fee Ifa. 9.3: Joel 1.1 1,1 2. Verf9. together] that Is, I will lie down and fleepe both together, not being difquieted with feare or care : fee Pfa. 3.b.or together,I and others with me: or,I my felfe wholly& alone. Seethe note on Pí.33 15. al one] The Hebr.phrafeis,inkoedome,orinf- litarines; & may be referred(by the diltination)to the Lord,who alone feateth his in fafety: as Den. 3 2.12. or to that which foil oweth, Thou wilt feat me alone infafety. Herein looking to Mc feo blotting, Deut.3 i.28. where lirael dwel leth fafe /y alone; and fo in Nnm.23.9.Jer.49.41. Thus it is a bleffing to be alone from enemies ; otherwife to be alone from friends,is a note of afflibtion; as Pia.102.8. Lam. 1.1. milt feat me] that is, caufi me to fit, dwell, or remain. in confidence] or trulifdnee,witb hope : that is, confidently or wishfully; which by confequence mcaneth, fecurely, fafety. And this was a Melling promifed in the Law,Lev.26.5. Deut,t 2.10. 12 13 Annotations. I AT Ecbiloth]Thefe (by the name) feeme to be I, I IN wind intlruments,asFlutes,Trumpets,Cor- f nets, &c. as 11(;ginotb are [trjnged inftruments,Pfa. 4.1. For Cbalil is a Pipe, I6.5.12. Verfe 2. my meditation] inGreeke, my cg. Verde 3. Attend] or Incline , namely, thine ease, as 3 is exprelfed, Pfa. 1 o. 17. Prov. 2.2. but often the word eare is omitted, as here, fo Pfal. 61. 2. and 66.i 9. and 85.6. and s 42,7,&c, will I pray] or I doe pray; meaning Will and ulitally. Verle .q. ai morning] or, in the morning: which 4 bath the name in the originali tongtie,ot inquiring, looking and feeking early, and is therefore used for every firft opportune or fit time,both topray for, and to receive ble(ñngs,Pis.88.14. and' 9 2.3. and 9©.14,and 143.8.Here allo the word as or in is to Psn1. V. be['upplied; asBeitb ,aboufe,2Chron.26.ai.for 2 David ra nh and ro a eth his pudic in er, Bebeith, in a houle, 2 King. i 5.5. and many the like. p .) ' P ff ß day orderly addre] prepare, or fettle in order ; mea- 5 Godfavourethnoe the tricked. 8 Davidprofrfnghit filIn either 1/705 as Job 3 ;. 5. or hisj'eed'es, faith, prayetls God to guide him : 1 17o deftroy bid ene- as Job 32.14. lookout.] or efßie; as he that keeper n es, and to prefervethe godly, watch and ward, expsil.ng what God will aafiner, as is I 1 To the matter of the Muf.cke on Nechi- explained in Hab.2.1. T11il noteth diiigenoe, hope, r . and patience So Mich. loth; a 1 talme of David. P 7.7 Verde 5. a God] or, a mightie one : in Hebrew A,l, 2 Eare thou my words Jehovah, under- S Rand my meditation. Attend to the the name of -GGod, denoting his might or pui:Jánce: which therefore the Greeke fometime tranllateth voice of my crie, my King and my Ifiburos, Nightie , Plains. 7.t2.fontetimeNightie 4 God, for unto thee will I pray. Jehovah,at God,Ifa.9.6. but wit commonly God: which the morning thou (halt hear¢ my voice , at mor. holy Ghó&allowetjt,Mat,? 7,46,ánd 1.23. ning will I orderly addreffe unto thee and delighting wick dneffe] or, that tat .sloafxre in mio- $ will looke out. For thou art not a God de- kdneffe. By wickedneii and evil,may sere be meant lighting wickednelfe, the evil) (hall not lo- alfo(by figure offpeech) wicked and etillperfons. See Pal. 36.12. fojourne] or,be agucfl with thee, 6 journe with thee. Vain glorious £Doles (hail meaning that an evifl man fhauld have no entertain- not fet themfelves before thine eyes, thou 'meat to be harboured at a gueft, mucbleffe to have any 7 batclf all that work painful) iniquitie. Thou abiding or ftled habitation with God. Here the word i wilt bring to perdition them that fpeake a with, is to be fupplie;i ; as in the like Hebrew 1 lie,the man ofblouds,and ofdeceit,Jehovah phrafe,Pfa.94.ao.Gen.3o.ao. So in Ex.9.'6, that g cloth abhorre. But I, in the multitude ofthy I might Phewthee; for fhew in the; as the Apóltle ci- mercy,wilcome intothyhoufe,wildowor_ eedtit, Ront.g.t7 :cbelikeisitsPfzl.4z.$ Ver.6.Vainghriamfoolo] or madhoaf!ing fools: cal - 6 1ltlp toward the palace of thy Holintffe , in led Holelim of halal, to extoll, praife,.glarifie: which 9 the feare of thee. Jehovah leademe in thy when it is ofonts [elfe, and imtnoderate,is dotage, jullice, becaufeofmyenviers,makeftraight filly andmadnef. Hence is the word uièd,for mad, i o thy way before me. For in his mouth is no or raving withfolly,Ecclef.2.2,1 2. and 7.9. and io. certaintie ; their inward pert it wofull evils : 13. Ida. 44.25. So after in Pfal.j 5.5. and 1 02.9. their throat is an open grave, their tongue and 73.3. The Chaldee calleth then mocherr. I I they make finooth F Condemne thou them that work¢] fo the holy Gho4 tran(lateth it Aft13 as gttihie, 0 God , let them fall, from their 4t,from Hab.t.5. The Hebrew word fignifying a willing working out , pedaling and pra&inng : conful arions. with the multitude of their as Kai. 7.14. painfidl imquitie]or,forrowfuIfin, trio'gaffes, drive thou thé away, for they are vaine unlamfxlnefje. The originall word Aven , which