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PSALMa V which bath the fsgnific:ition ofpaïne or farrow, is of large uCc, denoting, all fin /:Rand unity' aft all ion., or endeavor; i, which caufe pain or fòrrow, or be paínf ally done, and is applied in fpeciall ro i- dedurp joyned with Terapbun or images, r Sam. 15. 22. And óct(,-el, that is,Godr bonfi, is called of the Prophets, Peth-aeon, an Id,lr hole, or placo, of ini- quitie, Hof: 4.1y. and 10.5. because Jeroboam had there Cct up false worship, r Kings 1 2.29. And in í1a; 66. 3. he that blclfcih Aven. or an IdolI, is tar- red in Grcekc, a blafJb mar. Thus Poghnalci -aver, beG tchaswarke,prallifeor commit Idolatry, firperflití- on,or other fn and àriquitie,'wherof comes farrow, 4rie;Ie, miferie, and at lilt rònfufon, however inch e- vils workers doe polish and trim their evil! aflì- ons ; for they (hall be rejelled that work unlawful- nef (hoingaaomcnoi ten anomian) Mat.7.23. or are workers of imiquiric , (hoi ergotai tcs adiliias) Luke 13. 27. as this Hebrew phrafe is by the Evangelists interpreted. The phrafe is taken from lob, chap. 31.3. and 34.8,22. The Chaldee tranflateth,tbem that doe faloed. 7 Verle 7. Thou wilt bring to perdition] or wilt doe quite away, wilt fardos, or make perifh, man of blonds] that is,bloody man, or mearde, er, as the Chol- dee expoundeth it, the man that fheddeth inno, ent blend. When blond is tiled in thepltírall number, it ufually noteth murder or manflaseghier, and the guilt following it : as Gen.4. t I. the voice ofthy bro- thers blonderieth s Chron. 22.8. thou hail find many i blonds : fo after in Pfal.9.I 3. and 1 06.38. and 51. 16. So®tetime it fignifieth natural' umcleannef, as, we are born in fin, or fin deferving death, Ezek.16. 6,9. I few theepolluted in thine owne blouds,d-e. Hereto we may compare the Apoftles fpeech, John 1.13. which are borne not of bloods, eve. A man of blonds, is one that is defiled therewith, or given thereto, 2 Sam :. 16. 7. Pfa1:26. 9. and 45.24. and 59.3. and 139. 19. See the like phrafe opened, Pfal. t 40.12. and ofdeceit] that is, man of deceit , (as is expreffed, Pfa1.43. 1.) meaning the deceitfe/i man, fajtor, or impeflor : fo noting hereby the flares ftnner, as by the former fpeech the open and violent. Deceit, Bile, or guile, called in Hebrew Alirmab, is named,£ Ramab, to heave,oroaf, or !hoot with bow. And as warpen bones doe calf and :hoot awry, and deceive the Archer, Pfa L78.5 7. fo impof ors or men of guile, doe firff as it were lift up a man with vaine hope, that being difappointed he may have the more heavie overthrow. Seer Chron. 12.17. Gen.29. 25. So in another phrafe, to lift up thefoule, lìgni- ficth, to deceive with vii a hope, Jer.37.9. 8 Verfe 8. mere/,] or kindnefe, benignitie: in Chal- dee,goodnefi. See the note onPlàl.s36.1. thy henfe] or edifice, named in the Hebrew of building, With inGreeke, ofdwe!livg,oikos: in Englifh, of tuition and refodie, a houfe: of the Aln,ein buis, which is of hes, to defend. By baule here is meant Gods Tabernacle, called his honf, 1 Chron.9,23. Mar.2.26.for theTemple was not built in Davids dales. will doe warfhip]or bow downemy jije,in fight of honour, towards the palace] for the worfhippers entred not into the San& searie it felfe, but into the Court -yard, and at the doors 9 offered their gifts,PGd. t 16.19.Lev.I.3. Heb.9.6:7- A palace (Heical) is the name of Kings boa/a, Pial. ; 45.9, 16. Prov. 30.28. attributed ro the places where Gods Majeflie was Paid to dwell, as the ta- bernacle, s Sans I.9.and 3.3: the temple, 1 Kings 6, t 7 and heaven it felfe, Pfal.11.4, Verle 9 in thy *Wee] that is,in the religion and eon= 9 verfat on fen firth in tby Law , called the path of' joe- If: re, PGl.s3.3.or,forthyjuflice fag. et:viers) or fßia!,obfêrvers that pry fcrevilL SoPfal27.11. Verle to. too certainty] no certain fable thing, AO 7 t) floret truth, which one may truht unto : or no true word. hie mouth] that is , themouth of any of them; which the Chaldee explaincth thus , the month of the wicked men. inward part] properly, that which it neer fi unto them : this the Gr. tcanfla- tech bart.And there in parts ,are put for the thoughts, afeliiont purpofet in them : as Mal. 49. 1 z. wo- fidl evils] havvotb the originals fegnitieth wars, for raves, beanie annoyances, mifehieis, and =lid events : fo named of haiorbovab, which lignin eth tree, E- zek. 7. 26. they mike fmoothe] or make fhrttering, and consequently decei full, as the Greeke tranfla- teth, which the Apoflle followeth,Rom.3. s ;. Verfè 1 t. Condemne'them as guilt)] Alham, is a It guilt, or trefafe, Lev.5. 19. whekef the word here Mid; is to makeguiltie, or damn, oftrefaf : and fo the Greek here bath it, lodge or damne,and the Chaldee, make gui /tie (orcondemne.) And be cauCedzfru(iioss and depiationabideth inch as are damned for crinie,therefore is this word Mid al. fo for deflating, abalifbing, deflroying, Ezelt 6 6. Joel I.18. And to may it be here meant, prtnif or make them de folate, O God. So Pfa1.3 4, 2.2, 2 3. and 69. 6., with the multitude] or f r the multitude, the ma- nie. tre(pafes] or feditious iniquities, clefeflioni, done purposelyand difloyally, and are therefore heinous and criminal'. The Greeks often tranfla- teth it unlawfulnefe, or tranf refoorof Law, which the Apolllc followMg, Ron1.4.7. tromPfal. 3z. I. It is more than fin,as may be gathered by Gen. 35,36. Exod. 34.7, and Job 34.37. be adde:b trey pate to his fit. drive thorn an,] or drive him, that is, each of then A like phrafe as woo before, PGa1.2.3. So after in verse 1 a. upon them and him. turned rebellious] or turned Woo:, and lò arc very diltallfull unto thee, by reafon of their dif= obedience and ftubbornneffe, and confequently doe prozoky to bittern f and wrath, doeex : f f crate. The Hebrew word &arc& hath properly the fignilca. tion of changing and ofbitternefapplied to apogee fte,rebellianand difobedience, Dem. 1.26, and I.7, 20, Jof.1.18. againfi thee] which theChaldee expoundeth, agairf thy Word. Verle 2.fa eier]ortoeternitie, front or Thrill out,frog joyfully, for fo commonly the Hebrew Ration Iìgnifieth; & is therfore by the holy Choi+ interpreted,,, be merry or joyful .Rom.' 5.10. irons Dent .3 2.43 & Ga1.4.27. from Iia.54.1.yet form- time this word is to ({rows, fbril,or ey aloud for far, raw; as Ka.' 42. 7. A loud (brill nòtf or fbewtingwat/ ufed inthank(givings and prayers, Lev it. 9. 24. 1 King. 8.28, Pfal. e 7,1 and 118.15. and 126.2. and 33, t, and thou /halt cover] err, for thou Will hbbb ewes, Íá lino lier