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I coter, protcli, or cafe a covering over them : and this is anfwerable to their hope or feekfng covert in God before mentioned, and fignifieth a talc protetli- on from all hurt or evil( ; as Exo.33.22. Pfa.14o. 8. be glad] or (cape for joy.exule. The word fig- nifieth outward glaelneffe in geflure and countenance. So alto doth the Greeke antìverable hereto : that where one Evangel itt write' h, Rejayce andbeglad, Mat. 5. t a. another faith, Rejoice and leape, Luke -6. 33. The Chaldee here again tranflateth, they ¡had be glad in thy Word. I3 Verte 13. buckler] a piclegdfbield called tjnnab, of the fbarpe piekedm,Qi: as another kinde of Scut - chion is called -Magen, Pfil. 3. 4 of fencing or pro- idling. favourable acceptation] or good will,gra- Cia141 liking or acceptance. So the Hebrew Rotfon meaneth,derived of a word which by theApoftle fignifieth to aatpt, Hebr. 12. 6. front Prov. 3.12. and to be well pkafed or delighted, Mat.12.18. front Ifa. 42.1. So theyeare of acceptation is the acceptable yeore, Luke 4.19. from Ifa. 61.2. and the time ofae- eeptation,is the acceptable time, 2 Cor.6. 2. front ICa. 49. 8. It is alto interpreted will or pleafrere , Heb. 10 7. from Pfa1.4o.9. 44+141144 '12 ink42**i2 P S A L. VI. Davids complaint in his fecknef , with prayer for re- leafe. 9 By faith be tritimpheth our bit enemies. I To the Mafter of the Muficke on Neginoth, upon the eight; a Pfalme of David. z 'neither Ehovah, rebuke mee not in thine anger, chaftife me in thy wrathful( heat. 3 Be gracious unto me, Jehovah, for I am weaker heale me,Jehovah, for my bones are PSALME VI. e t. And fo the Chaldee bete tranflateth,To f ng with playing upcn the Hare of eight JIring.t. Verle z. mrathfull heat]] or choper. This word no tech the inward, f Ilion as the former doth the out- ward appearance. Davie/pray eth not (imply againti correftion, (for, at many at God !nab, be cloth rebuke and chafli fe, Rev. 3. 19.) but would have his nur- i cure with moderation, left it broke hint in pie -,. ces; as leremie likewife prayeth, So af- ter in Pal. 38.2. Verte 3. beale me] recure me. Though this may 3 have reference here to bodily fckne, Plat.107.18, 20, yet is it alfo applied to foule- frckne li,and cu- ring of it; as PCal.41.. Beale thou myfoule, for I bave firmed againfl thee. Verlè 4. bow long ?] or till when? An imperfea 4 fpeech, through trouble of minde, which may thus be fupplicd : haw long wilt thou eeafe, or deferre to hem, or bow long wilt thou affin( me ? So Pfal.90. 13. The Chaldee fupplieth the want thus, Let me have a refrefbing. Verfe5 .releafi]loofen,o.delvermy foule orme; Inca- s ning from death, as is expreffed, Pfala 16,8. Verte 6. for in the death] This Dottrine.King t-e- 6 zekiah exptaineth thus; For hep (hall not ronfef tbee, death _ball not praife then, they that got damne the pit _hap not hope far thy truth : the living the living, be _hap mnfefJi thee at I doe obit cloy : the father ta the children ¡bad make. knewne thy truth, Ifa. 38.18,19. So after in Pfali t t 5.17,18. bell] or the grave, the place or flate of the dead. See the note on PIal. t 6, I o. , confejf ] or ive thank:, celebrate with praifi and commendation. This fame word is allo ufed for eonfeffng of tins Pfal. 32.5. Verte 7. I faint or am over awed witbmyfigbing; 7 the like fpeech Baruch ufeth,Jer.45.3. The origi- nail word Iagagbn, fignifieth awing, toile, turmoile a 4 troubled. And my foule is troubled vche- and fore labour of body or minde, and confequent- mently: and thou, Jehovah, how long Re- lyfainting through wearinffe, and is oppofèd to refi or quietnej,Lam. 5.5. every oight]or the whole mercies my hodle : lave me for night. The Chaldee expoundeth it , I fpeake in my 6 thy fake. For in the death is no a farrow ad the nigbr(or every nigbtafuponn9 bed. lewa- morie of thee : in hell who _hall confeffe to b d'f(1 c rl molt m 7 thee' I faint with my fighing, I make my bed to fwim in every nighr,I water my bed- 8 head with my teares. Mine eye is gnawne with indignation : it is waxen old becaufe of g all my difreffers. Away fromme, all ye that worke painful( iniquitie , for Jehovah o bath heard the voice of my weeping. Jeho- vah bath beard my fupplicarion for grace, a I Jehovah hath accepted my prayer. All my enemies let be abafht and troubled vehe- mently ; let them returne, be abafht in a moment. s I Annotations. VPon the eight] or after the eight : meaning the eight tune, which was grave,as that which we call the Btfe.So Davidfetching (tome Gods Arke, a pointed Come Levites with harps upon the eighth, for thehonour and fervice -of God, Chron.15. ter]that in,bat e,oC t O ve Into wa Cr;O y bedjfead. Thefe are exceffve figurative fpeeches, to expretfe the greatnefle of his torrow. In the He- brew they are allo in the future time, (_bap melt,I fball make fwim, that is I ufually melt and bathe, no- ting the continuance of his afilifion. Verle 8. mine eyo] this may be taken for the whole face or vifage : as in Nuns. 11.7. the eye is u- fed for the eelour or appearance. gnawne] in Gr. troubled. The Hebrew Ghnafbafb is to gnaw and fie:, and Co to make deformed caul ugly, and to =fume. Hereof Gbndfh_i$ a moth-wornie, Plàlnr. 39. t z. that frettetb garments. A like4pcech lob ufeth, mine rye is dimmed with indignation,Job 17.7. but pawn here, is a word more vehement. So after in Pfalm.3t 10,11. with indignation] fir griefe that I take, being provoked by the enemies. Ver! è 11. let be aba fht] or _hap be abafht. The He- brew. Both fignifieth to be abafht, wax pale and wan; as when the colour fadeth and withereth;and no- teth both difappointment of ones expeblation , Job 6. 20. and cmfufion or deflrutlion, Jer.48.1,20. oppcd- 8 II