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Vei/OIUhLG u1I101/ihiPiii641107/ PSALM E VII. fed unto joy, Efiy.65.13. let them teturne] or, recoils a ligne alto of difoomfiture andflame : fo Pp. 56.1o. in a moment] or inaminute,thatis,afhoet /'parc, or fteddenf . tiTIT*ViTIR 4." * PSAL. VII. David prayetb againff the malice of bit enemies, pro - fejnghitinnocencie. 1t Byfaith he feethhisdefnee,and the defirullion ofbit enemies. I Shigajon of David,which he fang to Je- hovah,upon the words of Cufh, fonne of Jemfni. Ehovah my God,in thee I hope for lafe- 1 ty : Cave thou ran from all that perfecute 3 me, and deaver thou me. Left he teare in peecesmy foule like a Lion; breaking, 4 while there is none delivering. Jehovah my God,if I have done this,ifthere be injurious evil! in my hands : If I have rewarded evill to him that had peace with me : (yea,I have 6 releafed my diftreffer without caufe:) Let the enemre purfue myfoule and take it, and tread down my life on theearth , and my glory let him make it dwel in the du ± Sel th. 7 Rife up Jehovah in thy, anger, be thou lifted up, for the rages ofmy diRrelfers, and wake thou up Onto me , the judgement thou hall .8 commanded. And the congregation of Mall compaffe thee about, and for 9 it returne thou to the high place. Jehovah will judge the peoples : judge thou me Je- hovah according to my juftice , and accor- to ding to my perfeilion in me. Oh let the malice of the wicked beat an end, and fra- bliffi thou the full : for thou trieft the hearts and reines, jui God. My lhield is in God, I2 the Saviour of the upright in heart. God is ajult Judge, and God angerly threatneth 13 every day. If he turne not, hewill whet his fword : he hath bent his bow and made it 14 ready. And far him he hath made ready the inlruMents ofdeath:his arrows he wor- 15 keth for the hot perfecutors. Lo he (hall be in travel! of painfull iniquities for he bath conceived moleftation,and (hall bring forth 16 a lie. He hath digged a pit and delved it and is fallen into the corrupting ditch hee 17 *rotíght. His moleftation Mall return up- on his head, and upon his crowne (hall his 18 violent wrong defccnd. I will confeffe Je- hovah according to his jufice, and will fing Pfalme to the node of Jehovah moll High. I II Annotatróns. S Fligajon] An artificial, Jong of David, or Davido 1 delight. The word properlyIignifieth Aberra- tion,or,Ignoration; & is here,and in Ì3ab.3.1.onely ufed in the title offongs,which fecme to be made offundry variable and wandeing verlès, which be- ing compofed by art,caufe the more delight.The Hebrew word (Shagab) whereof this is derived, is ufed for delight , orreandriug inpleafure, Pror.5. t 9,2o. According to which we may name this fong,Davids delight, or folace. Or in the other fig= nification,Dazfdsmoue; as letting forththefum of NY Bares, which made him almoft to got alfray. TheChaldee expoundetbit, Devids interpretati- on of the Law. upon the word, ] or concerning, the the words, or matter,, affaires. Word, is both in He- brew and Greeke often ufed for a thing or matter, Deed. I8.16. Deur.17.1, t King. t 4. i 3 Luk t.65. Of'Cufb]This may be meant of K. Sarin hint f lfe, who was of Kfe, a nd of l mini, t Sam 9.1.. called clofely Cufle,that is,an .iEtbiopian,or Elacke- meore,for his blacke and ill conditions, his heart not being changed , as the Blackmoore changeth not hit skin, Ier. r 3.22.Or elfe it might be one of Souls retinne,whofe name indeed was C fb,but we find no mention of hint elfewhere. The Chaldee faith plainly thus , upon the defirullianof Saul the fonne of Kilkwhicb woeefthetribeofBenjamin. Verf.3.Lion] called here in Hebrew,oArjeb,that is, a renter or Tearer; and ellèwhere, Laby, that is, hearty and couragioue, Pfal.57.5. and Kepbir, that is, lurking,or couchant Pf.9 t, t 3. the reafon of theft names is fhewcd, Pf 1. t 7. t Z. The renting Lion (Ar- let) as greedy to tearer and the lurking Lion (Ke- phir,) as biding in covert peoens.Other names are al fo given to this kind, as Shachal, of ramping, or f erce nature, Pfa.91.13.and Lajifh, of fiebdtting his prey, Pro.3o.3o. my pule] that is, Wee or my Cefe. breaking] this may be referred to the Lion,breaking a fonder, or renting hisprey: the word ello is tiled far breaking of yokes of afflielion, that is, fving, refin- ing, redeeming, or delivering ; as , Pfa. /36.24. Lam. 5.8.Thc Greeke fo turneth it here, there beingnone redeeming norPaving. Thus the deniall none fet af4 ter in the Hebrew,ferveth for both words; (as af- ter in Pfal9.t9.) And it is the propriety of this tongue fometime to want, fometime to abound with words ; as in t King. t o.z ,.there be two de- nials when in 2 Cbron.9.2o. there is but one, in the fame narration. Verf.4. done this ] which Cufh accufeth mè of. I3e fpeaketh of forme common Ilander. inju- rious evillin my hands] or, in my palmes, that is, bad, difhoneff dealings in feeret: thepebmor hollow ofehe hand, being a place where filthineffe may be hidden : the hand áifo is put for the allitns.So ton. 3 8.Pfa1 I o9.27.and 78.42. Verf. 5. that had peace with me] my friend and eorftderate. Such treachery David touch blanteth I in his foes,that in time of peace made war,Pfa.4t. io.and 55. 13.15.zí. yea!] Hebr. and!; Bbbbbb 2 which álilunliín