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PSALME VIIÏ whichmay be refolved;yea,or when I rekafed my di- fire/fir : which may have reference to his (paring of Saul and delivering him from death, r Sam: 24,6,7,114,u 12. and 26.9,10,1 1.äc. n- ithout caufe] or without effelt,and fruit iu vaine. 6 Verf.6. my life] in Hebrew, lives ; fo ufitally cal- led for the many faculties and operations that are in life; the many yeares,degrees,eltates there- of. The Apotlles in Greeke retain the fingular number life,Aîf.2.a8 fromPfa.i6.ti. iPet.3.1o. from Pfe /.34i3 my glory] or honour ; meaning either his honourable eftate, renown , and pofleritie, asHf9 .1I. lob t9.9.0ehisfouk,as Gen 49.0 in the dull] that is , in baf ¿flare and ignominie, as Pí.113.7 lab' t 6.5.or, the daft ofdeath, thegrave, asPfal.22.16.ffa.26.19. 7 Verf. 7. in the rages] or, becaufe of the outrages, fxrpaging indignations, fo called of the paffingout of the heat and choler. makeup] or,raife up,to wit, thy felfe , and come unto me ; for judgement thole haft commanded or appointed. It may alto be read,raife u tome the judgement which thou haft commanded: to the Chaldee paraphrafe here fupplieth the word wbieb,faying;Haften unto me, (or for me) th: judge - mesa wbicb thou haft commanded,: the Hebrew it leite fometime doth the like; as I King.0.8.tbis houfe is high, a Cbr.7.2 obis boute which is high. 8 VerC8.for it] far the fame congregations fake, which commethabout thee expe&ing judgement. to the high place , or to thinks/2, that is the throne of Judgment, for thrones were fethigh,s Kínga3.19. This word heigth is alto ufed for heaven, Pfal93. 4.and there Gate throne is, Pfa. t r.4. TheChaldee faith, retome to the bottle of thy divine habitation (or Majeflie.) 9 Verte 9. Iehovah] The Chaldee tranflateth it, The word of the Lord fall judge, &c. judge] two words are here ufed inHebrew for judging,' Dan, and 2 Shapbat; the fini is nìore fpeciall to give doom or fentene in controverses : the latter mere generall,for judging ordeing right in all caufes.The Apoliles expreflè theft two by one Greeke word krina, judge, as Heb. t o.3o. from Deut.32.36. and x.3,4. from P ía1.51.6. my juftiee] the juflie and ey ''uitieofmycaufe,inrefpeltof mypérfecutors, SoPfal.18.21, 25. Elfewherehe appealeth to Gods jufttt`> Pfal.35.24. my perfellion] or;nogri- tie,the fimplicitie ofmy wayes, and fimplicitie of my heart. See Pfa.26.1. in one] or unto me,to wit, reward tbou,as theChaldee explaineth it. Io Verfio fir thou orioft ] or, hetrietb. Godwho is pgg.!». oftbe reines, Pfal.1 i 9.13.Both alto trie them as mettall in the fire. The heart may lignifie the agitations,and the reines the affe &ions. So Pfal.26. 2.Ier.11.20.and 20.12. Rev 2.23. 12 Verf.,2.angerf tbreatnetb] ordetefletb, difdainetb in wrath, namely the wicked, and menacetb their del(ru&ion. So the Chaldee paraphrafeth, he is mightily angy again fi the wicked every day. 13 Verf. 13. If he] that is, Íf the wicked turne not as the Chaldee explaineth it, If be turne not unto his ftare.T he Greeke tranflateth,iifye turne not. 14 Verf. t4. heworkethfar the bet perfecutors] or poli - fbetb, to wit, to (hoot at them that fervently perfe- cute,namely thejuft, as the Chaldee addeth. The Hebrew delak, which fsgnifieth burning, l zek.24. sods applied to hot perfeeution: fee Pfal io. 2.Gw. 31.35. Lam.4.19. Verf. 5.1x fball be in oravell] or,continually tra- velletb, that is, taketb great gaines toaceomplh uitp, em a womanwith chllde to be delivered. mole- flattops ] or myle, miferie. The Hebrew gbnamal fignifieth toilfome labour and woleftation, both which a man endureth hintfelfe,Pfa.s5.1 8.and 73,5.and which heéaufeth another toendure, Pfa1.94.2o. and 55.11.. And thus it is here meant, as the 17. verte fheweth. bring f rib a lie] or falfhood,mea- ningeitherca lumnieandflanderofothers, (which in verte 17 feemeth to be called violent wrong ;) or a deceit of hímfelft, frufirating his owne expe &a- tion. This fimilitude of the conception, travel!, and birth of finis memorable , mentioned alto in lab 15.35. lfa.59.4. lam 1.15. much lifte another fi- milie of ploughing, fówirg, and reaping inicjditie, lob 4.S. Verf I6.isfallcn]to wit,unto his omite perdition, as 16 Pray.26.27., talurke there for the perdition of others. See Pfal. to . s O. the cor - rupting ditch he wrought] or, pit of corruption which be made. The originali Shachath fignificth corrupti- on, Pfal.i6. to. and isapplycd to any pit or ditch where one perifbethandcorruptetb, Pfal.57.7. and 94. 13. and fometime thewòrd pit is plainly added, as in Pfal.5 5.24.thepit of corruption. Verf. 17. hic crone] the fcalp, or beads top :ma: 17 ping alto abundantly, and apparanty in the view of all. SeeEftb.9.25. Violent wrong] The word Cba- me lignifieth injurie dom by force and rapine, violation of right and jnf lice. V er(.18. fïng Frahm to] or praife with P falme,and this ion orteth a Fong artlficiall and skilfully compofed. See Pfa1.3.t. +14444+44144.1444044.44,0+0 PsA L. VIII. Gods gloryis magnified by hie works. 6 Aprophefn efCbrift hie bumiliarìon, glorie and dominion. To the Malien of the Ma ficke upon Git- tith ; a Pfàlme of David. 15 Ehovah our Lord,hoiv wondrous excel- lent it thy name in all the earth , which haft given thy glorious Majeflie above the heavens. Out of the mouth of babes and fucklings thou haft founded ffrength, be- cauleof thy diffreflèers, to make ceafe the enemie and felt-aveager. When Ibehold thy heavens,the work ofthy fingers, the moon and the flats which thou haft flably confti- tuted ; What is forry man that thou remem- breft him,and the fon of Adam that thou vi- ftteft him! For thou haft made him leffera little than the Gods, and crowned him with glory and comely honor. Thou gaveft him dominionover the works ofthy hands ; all thou is 2 3 4 5 6 7