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/ /%// 11MIW =1Ib/ // f . PSAL;ME VIII. 8 thou didit fet under his feet. Sheep and ox- en all of them , and alfo the beafts of the 9 field. The fowle of the heavens, and the fi- f les of thefea , that which paffeth thorow lo the paths of the feas. Jehovah our Lord, how wondrous xce1lent is thy name in all the earth. 1 2 3 tilnnotatiens. GIttith] or the Gittith , which title is alto gi- ven to the 81 and 84 Pfmes. Gatl in He- brew is a wine pre(, Ifa.6 3.2. It is allo the name of a citieof the Phililtims, 1 Sam.17.4. A citie allo ofthe Levites was calledGath- rimmon, lofar.25. whereupon Obed-Edom the fon of Ieduthun, a Le- vice and finger in Brace, was called a Gioite, 2 by Gittith here may be meant, ei- ther fucb inf raments at were ufed by the pofieritie of0- bed-Edom the Gittite, or that there Plalmes were made upon occafion of tranfporting Gods arks from the honk of that Obed-Edom , the hiftory whereof is in z Sam.6.6.10,1 t,12, &e. or that there Pfalnleswere to be lung for praife ofGod at the Vintage when grapes were preffed. And according to this the Greeke tranflateth it the wine- prefu.Or it may be the famemufcai inßrament; and fo the Chaldee Paraphraft tranflateth it, To fang upon the harpe that came from Gatti. Verl.2. our Lord] or, our fuflainers : See the note on Pfal. a.4. wohikrotuexcellent] or wondrous am- ple, illuffrious and magnificent. The originali word fignifieth ample or large, and excellent withal!, cleare and fplendent in glory : The Greek turneth it won- derfull : theChaldee, high and laudable. So name] this word is often tiled for renown or glory , on the contrary, vile perfons are called men without name, Iob.3o.8. Gods name is alto tiled for his kingdome and Gof ell, Mara 9.29. compared with Luki 8.29. Mar. C. 39. And this Pfalmetreateth of the fpreading of Chrifts Kingdomeand Gofpel,as after is manife- fted. hallgiven] that is, put or fee ; as,I havegiven, by the Evangelift inGrceke,l mill put. Mat.12.18. & in theHebrew text,as,hé bath given thee over them for king,2 Chro.9.8 for which is writ- ten in t Kings 10.9. he bath fet(or put.) It may al- to import a fitting foire or flab/jibing; as,tbme haft gi- ven thy people,' Cbron.2 7.22. that is, *boa haft ffabli- fhed thy poople,2 Sam.7.24. Here alto is a gramnla- ticall change in the Hebrew; to give, for thou haft given. glorious majeflie] venerable or praife- worthy glory. The word Hodb, is generali for any laudable grace or verme for which one is celebrated, reverenced and commended. above] or over, or upon the heavens. This phrafe is ufed of God, Numb. 27.20. where he willeth Moles to give of his glorious majefl ie upon lofhua : and may haveufe in the myfticall apply- ing ofthis Plains toChrifts kingdome,as Mat.21. {6. teacheth us : heavens being alto often tiled in Scripture for. the Church of Chrift, Ifa.65.17. and 66.22. Rev.21.1. Verfe 3. haft founded] that is, firmely decreed, ap- peinted,and confequentlyfated and perfetfed, as the i Greeke haatertifi, (which the Apoltleufeth) figni- fleth, Matth.a 1.16. Soin Either 1.8. the /sing had founded, that is, decreed, appointed.. See alto before, PCal.2.2. firengtb] that is, thong praife, for fo this word feemeth often to be uCed, as P1á1.29,1. & 96.7. & 118.14. therefore the Greeke, which the Apollle followeth, Mat. a 1.16. tranflateth it praife. This word ftrength or firmneffe,tnay be taken for kingdome firmlyftrengtbened, as in this place,fo in Pfal.t co. z. &86.16. &89.11, to make cea ¡] that is, put to fleme, or doe away, abvlifh and deffroy. So after in Plál 119.119. & 89.45 & 46.50. fe[fe-avenger ] or, him that avengt :b bbnfiffe; the proud and mighty which will not Coffer his ho- nour or gaine to be diminilhed. So Pfalm44.57. This was fulfilled, when children crying Hofanna . to welcome Chrilt, the chicle Prlefts and Scribes difdained, and fought to defiroy him : but bee flopped their mooches by alleaging this Scrip- ture, Mat.2 s.15,16. Marke 11.18. Gods people are taught though they liter wrong , not to avenge themfelver, but to giveplace unto wrath, Rom. s 2.5 9. Vert 5. what is fey man] to wit,thus thinks I S with my Ielfe, what isman, &e. Here man is called Ænafb, (the name of Adana Nephew,Gen.4.26.) which lgnifieth doleful!, for, firrowfull, wretched, and fiek incurably. And this name is given to all nun , to put them in mind of their mifery and mot tafitie; as Pfal. 9. 21. let the heathens know that they be 2En4. fon of Adam] or of earthly man. As be- fore men are called YEnofb for their dolefull efiate by fin ; fo are they called Adam, and forts of Adam, that is, earthly, to put them in mincie of their ori- ginal! and end, which were made of Adamab the earth, even of the dull, and to duff (hall againe re- curne,Gen.2.7. & 3. t 9. Adam was the name both of man and wotuan,Gen. 5.2.and is alto the name of all their children, Pfal. 22. 7. & 36.7. & 39.6. and in many other places.See the note on P1á.49 3. viiLeft him] that is,haff care of provideff for,and lock ff to him. The original! word thus largely fig- nifieth, and is ufed indifferently for vifiting with favour, as Pfa.65,10. or with difpleafure,as Pfal.59. 6. Here it is meant for good ; for Gods provi- dence is fingular towards man, and his vifitatien preferveth ourßirit, Job 1 0.12. Compare alto herea with, Pfal.144.3. Jo67.17,18. Verfe 6. For dim madeft him let r] or, And thou 6 madeff him /ache ; or, Though thou madeff him to want a little of the Gods. a little] The originali word fignifieth either a little while, M.37.10. or a little deale,P1a.37.16. t Sam.14.29. The Greeke brachu- ti (which the Apollle uleth) alto fignifieth both, A& 5.34.Joh.6.7. howbeit, by his applying this to Chrilt,hhe feemeth to mean a little or forre time, Heb. 2.7,9. than the Gods] or than God; but by Gods here is meant'the Angels, as the Apollle ex -' poundeth it,according both to the Gr. verfion & Chaldeeparaphrafe. And thole heavenly fpirits are for their office & fervice called Angels, that is, meflengers;but for their honourable dignity they are called Gods, here and inPfa.97.7. and the for. efGod, Job n.6.& 38.7. The Prince/ of the earth are named Gods, Pfa. 82. 6. how much nlore may the 13bbbbb5 Angels