SALME IX. Angus be called fo, that are Chiefs P rime, ,Dan 10. 13. anderownedff him] This may be under - ffood of man as he was firif made in Gods image, andLord of the world, Gen. 1. 26. but finer the tranfgrcfon,it is peculiar to Ghriftand to Chri- ffian men that have their dignity reftored by Chrift.Vnto him the Apofile applieth this Pfalm, thus: Wee fie Afar crowned with glory and honour, which was a little made leer than the Angels, through the Hering of death, that by the grace of God he might tape death for all, Hebr,a 9. Glory feemeth to refpeL& in- ward vertues ; as wifedmne holineffe, &c. and Honour for his cutward good eftate in ruling over the creatures, as verle 7,8a9. comely honour] The Hebrew hacker denoteth all honourable comeline je, ho- neff, gravy adorned decencie. Verfe 7. al, didJl thou jet ] in the Kra creation , God gave mati rule over fi flies , fowler , beaffs, and all that mouth on the earth, Gen.r.26. but after, for his fake and fin,the earth was curfed,and he enioyed it withforrow, then. 3. 17. But the San ofman, who is beire of all things, Hebr. 1. 2. reftoreth our Joffe, & will caufe the remnant of the people, even whofoeverevercommetb, to inherit all things, Zach. 8. 22. Rev. 2 t, 7. though unto man living here in forrowes, weeyet fee not all thingsfubdued, Hebr.z.8. Verle 8. Sheepe and oxen] or Flocks and herds; the flocke comprehending both fheepe and goats, Le- Verfe9.The fowls] that is, fore/es or birds; one is ufed for many or all ; fo the Hebrew often fpea- keth of other things, as(hip, for fhips, r King.: o. 22. with z Chron. p. 21. fpeare for fpeares, 2 King, 11.1o. with 2 Chron. z 3.9.So Pfal.2 o.8. & 34.8. of the heavens] that is, of the sire,for al this Outfprod or firmament fpread over the face of the earth, God called Heavens , Gen. 1. 17. the place alto above where the Sun and liars are , be called heavens, Gen.'. a 7. and the highelt place where the Angels dwell, ( and God himfelfe is fail to fit in) is likewifecalled heaven, Matt.5.9. and 24. 36. and by the Apoftle named the third heaven, a Cony 2. z.So other Scriptures mention the birds of heaven,Matt.t 3.32. the winds of heaven, Dan.7.z. the clouds of heaven, Dan. 7.13. the dew of heaven, Dan. 4.12. &c. The Hebrew name Shamajitn, hath the forme of the duall number: but the Evangelifts cxpreffe it indifferently by the fin- gular or plurals; as where one faith, your re- ward is great in the heavens , Matt. 5.12. another faith, it it much in heaven, Luke 6.23. MAAAAMIAJ.iAYMAdtAA 31,ci PsAL.IX David praifeth God f r executing of judement. 12 Hee inciteth others to praife him. 14 Heeprayeth that bee may have eauf' to praife him. 16 The judgements thatjball come upon the wicked. To the Maftet of the Ma ficke upon Muth labben; a Pfalme of David. IWill confeffeJehovah with al my heart, a I will tel all thy marvellous wakes. I wil rejoyce and Phew gladneffe in thee, I wil fing Pfalme to thy name , O molt high. When mine enemies turned backward, they (tumbled and perifhed from thy face. For thou haft done my judgement' & my doom, haft fitten on the throne , judge of juftice. Thou half rebuked the heathens , haft 6 brought to perdition the wicked one ; their name thou haft wiped out for ever and aie. The dofolations of the enemy arewholly endectto perpetuity, and the cities thou haft pulled up,perifhed is the memorial( of them of them. And Jehovah (hall fit for eve r,he g hath prepared his throne for judgement, And hec will judge the worldwithjut/ice, will judge the peopleswith righteoufneffes. And Jehovah will be an high refuge for the so oppreffed, an high refuge at times in di- ftreffe. And they that know thy name will c trult in thee, for thou forfakçft not them that feeke theeJehovah. Sing Pfalme toJeho- vah that dwelleth in Sion,thew forth among the peoples his doings. For he that feeketh out bloods remembreth them, forgetteth not the cry of the meeke aftliEted. Begra 54 ciousto me,Jehovah,fee mine afiliStion from my haters, lifting up me from the gates of death. That I may tell all thy praifes in the gates of the daughter of Sion, may be glad in thy falvation. The heathens are funke downe in the corrupting pit thatthey made; in the net that they hid caught is their foot. Knowne is Jehovah, judgement hee bath 17 done : in the worke of his hands infnared is the wicked one Meditation, Selah. The 18 wicked (hall turne into hell, all the heathens that forget God. For not to perpetuity forgotten (hall be the needy one, nor the eY- pe ftation of the poore aftlieted ones perifh for aie. Rile up Jehovah, let not Pori man be firong; let the heathens be judged before thy face. Put thou, Jehovah,a feare in them, let the heathens know that they be fory men , Selah. 3 4 5 7 9 I2 13 15 16 Annotations. rPon Muth labben] This , if it be referred to V the muficke, 'feemeth to be a kind of tune like that we cal the Counter- tenter. Otherwife it may be read,For the death ofLabben;butwho he was, is uncertaine : fome thinke it was Goliath; the Chaldee faith,f r the death of the Son. It feemeth to me, as the former Pfalmewas of the propagation of 19 20 21