fia r PSALMß ,tX,, of Chrilts kingdorne, fo this is of the deftruu`tion of Antichrilis. 2 Verfe a. marvellous worker] or wonderfull things, miracles. The originali word fignifieth high and hidden,fuch as mans power cannot perfortne,nor rearms reach unto,and therefore are admired. 3 Verfe 3. in thee] the Chaldee faith, in thy word. 4. Verfe.}. when my enemies turned ] This may bee taken fora famine of his praile for deliverances paft, or, in faith for likeio come, and may bee read, when my foes to "rne bacl;e , they fteall Humble and perifb. from thy face] from before thee , becaufe of thy prefence , that is , torteareof thee , and fhntout front thy face or prefence. So after Pfal.68.z,3.9. So the Apoftle fpeakeeh of the wickeds perditi- on from theface of the Lord, 2 Theff.l.9. 5 Verfe 5. donemy judgements] that is given fen- tence, andexecuted according to the right of my caafe : Sde'PCahne 7. 9. The Chaldee expoun- deth it, my vengeame. fttente the throne] or, fit thee donne on the throne , the feat of judgement 'or tribunali. This noteth both kingly authori- ty, PCalme 132. 11, 12. and the a&ing or execu- ting of the fame, 2Chron. t8. 18. Efay 6.1. Dan.7.9. Rev 20.11. 6 Verfe 6. haft rebuked ] with rough and revere words : but this , when God doth it,commonly itnporteth confiefton, as being to his enemies, and therefore joyned with the curie, Pfal. t 19.21 .and 68.31. and 76.7. & 18. t6. Zach. 3.2. So dfe where he faith, at the rebuke of thy fare they perifb, Pfalme 8c.17. wipedout] or,wiped away , as with the hand. And tlkis wiping out the name., no- teth an utter abolithing withgreat wrath,Deut.9. 14. & 29.20, Pfa. r 09. 13. for ever and aye] or, for everandyte; or, to eternity and perpetuity. The Hebrew Gbned,yet, is added to eternity or ever, to increafe the durance of it , and to note all eter- nities,Pfal. r 0.16. and 31. 5. and 104 5. & 145 1, 2. taken from Moles, Exod.s 5.18. 9 Verfe 7. The defolationr] which the enemy made in fpoyling bur land; or the deflate places which the enemy builded for hindelfe , as in Íob 3.14. great men are laid to build tbemfelves defolate places. of the enemy] So the Greeke turned it. We may alfo reade it, O enemie, the defolations are quite ended (which thou madeti;) or, are they en- ded ? to perpetuity] or, to vitfory, that is, fo as it tontinueth for ever. Ever or Eternity hath the name Ghnolam in Hebrew, of being hid, and fo un- knowne : perpetuity, Netfach , is named of prevai- 6ug andgettieeg vitlory by perpetualdurance.Here- upon that fpeech of the Prophet, bee bath feral- lowed up death to perpetuity , or vitloriour aye , Efay 25.8. is tranflated by the Apoltle, Death is fwal- ltwedap -to vitlory, that is, for even, as the fame Word in Amos 8.7. and Lam.5. 20. is all() turned in Greeke by the L X X i j. Interpreters. Pulled up] a fimilitude taken from trees, applyed here to the pulling donne of cities : fo planting and pulling up of a people , are let one againft another, Ier.24.6, and 42.10. & 45.4. f them] twile repeated,for more vehemencie ; meaning , all and every of them: or , with themfelves , their memory it 15 gone : the Creche tranflateth, theirmemoriall is pr. r fteed with a found. Verfe 9. will judge] or give drnk unto. Two 9 feverall words for judging are here uied,as before, I Pfal. 7.9. with rigbteoufaef s] that is, all manner rigbteoufnef and equitie,or mofo righteoufly,mofl equal- fr. See the like fpeech after,Pfa1.98.9: and 96.13.1 and often otherwhere. Verfe to, an high refuge] in Hebrew Mifgab', 10 which is, an exaltation, that is, an high place, tower, or fort to retift the enemie,Jer.48. I. wherein men are prote&ed,and elcape their foes invafion,Deut. 2.36. for the oppreffed] or to the beaten down; the poore is fo called, as being pownded or ffamped by the adversary. So Pfal. t o.18. and 74 2 r. at times ¡or in flap's, that is, feafnably at all times, when they be in diltreffe. So Plàl.1o.1. Verfe t 1. that know] or that acknowledge thy name: filch areGods people,Eiày 5 z.6.and (hall by him be delivered and advanced, P1à1 91.14. Verdi t 2. dwelietb in Sion] or fitteth in Sion. The Chaldee faith , bath placed his divine habitation (or Majellie)'in Sion. Sitting is often uled for dwel- ling, as is noted Pfal. t.t. The word in is many times omitted in Hebrew, but need:161y to be tmderftood, as the Textit felfe (heweth, as Beth, boule, for beberb, in the houfe,a King. t 4. t 4. compa- red with 2 Chron. z5. 24. and z Chron 26. 21. with 2 King. 15.5. and z Chron. 34, 30. with a King. 23.2. his doings ]tels praiiifes, orwon- ted worker, The original! word fignifieth allions done naturally , or purpofely and Itudioufly; de, fegnes,geff ., or exereifès enterprifed advifedly, and profecutedftudioufly, ofnaturall difpofition and inclination, asProv.z0,1 t. I Sam.25.3. Verfe 13. fee/ogtb out] or requiretb bloudì', that is, ' 13 God, who followeth, tindeth out, punilheth and avengeth bloudthed or murder, according to the f Law,Gen.9.5,6. See the Annotations there. The Chaldee expoundeth it, hé that requireth the blood of the innocent,remembreth his juft ones. mealy affili- tled]The originall here hath a double reading, Gbnanajim, that is, affliied pare ; and Ghssanavim, mreye,, modeft lowly : for aflli&ion often caufeth meekneffe. Therefore alto Ghnani,that is affliiled, is tranflated Pram, Make, Matt. 2 t 5. from Za> charge 9.9 Verfe 14. from my haters] that is, which cons- 14' meth upon me from them. lifting up] or, O lier up (exalter) ofme. gates o death] This no- teth prefent peril! and feare off death, as being now :were at the very doore or gate thereof, Gen. 4.7. JudS.5.8. It noteth alto power,ftrength,and jurildi &ion which death hath; (even reigning, as the Apoftle faith,Rom.5.t4.)becauçe Magiltrates fate, and Judgements were executedat the gates of Cities , Deut.zz. 15. Job 35.2/. Amos 5.50, 15. Soin other Scriptures the gates of death and of bell denote their peril!, ffrength and borroso, I Pfal.1 07.18. Flay 38.10.Mat.16.18. Job 38.17. Verfe 15. gateo of the daughters ofSion] there are 15 oppoled to the former pier ofdeatb ánd meane the publike places where Gods people come toge -'' ther at Sion gates,where God Cite, verte 12. and which II I2