PSAL1\1E X. which he loved moll, Pfal.87.z. The daughter of Stmt fignifieth the Church or Congregation there gathered as alto the Chaldee Paraphrafe here iheweth, tranflating it the congregation of Sion, for , every chicle citie was counted as a mother, s Sam. 20.19. (whereupon the Apoftle calleth Ierufalem, the mother etas all,Ga).4.2 b.) the villages that were mere and pertained unto Inch cities , are called daughters, /Of t5.45. 2Chron.r3.i9. Pfal48.12. and the inhabitants there feated, or affemblies of people =forting thither , are likewife named daughters, as beingbred, borne, nourifhed there, and fuble& therto. Such Ipeeches are often in the Scripturc,as,daugbter of lerufalem, Lama .19.daugh- ter of Sion, Mat.2I.5. from Zach.9.9. daughter ofmy people, Ier.4.1 t. daughter of Tiros, Pfahn. 45. 13. daughter of Babel, Pfah a 37.8.and the like. 17 V erf 17. lodgement he bath clone] or by the judgement that he bath executed. his hands] or, his palmes, the witkeds ovine hands, called the palmes or hollowes, for the fecret manner of working. So Pfal.7.4. Meditation Selab ] meaning, that this is a matter of deepe meditation, worthy to be well minded,and fpoken or lung with earneft confi- deration alwaies Some retaine the Hebrew word, Higgajon Selab, for that it may import a kinde of Song or tune , (as the Greeke turneth it,) being found in this forme,onely here, and inPfal.9z.4. The Chaldee interpretethit, thejuff frail joyfully fhout f r ever. 18' Verf.18. into bell] into bell it fpi: for the word into is in effe& twice put in the Hebrew for more vehemencie. forget God] the Chaldee addeth, that forget theefeareofGod. I9 , Verls9. needy ore] two names arc here given to the poore, IEbion, needy and deferotu, which im- porteth want of things needful!, to be fupplied by liberalitie, Pfa.132.15.and 112.9. Ghnani,poere af(lilled, which need helpe and deliverancefrom vexation as before, verf s 3. yet this precife diffe- rence is not alwaies obferded in Scripture. pe- r for aye] that is,(hall never perifh. Here the word Mt, let in the beginning, ferveth for a deniall of all that followeeh, frail not be forgotten frail not pelf, , or be loft ; So in lob 30.20,25. and 31.20. And the Chaldee here repeateth the word not,for more plainneffe. Contrary to this is the wickede hope and exile &ation, whichfhallperifh, 28. Iob8.13. and 11.20. he fireng] or, fireng- then, confirme and harden himfelfe , and fo prevaile. This is fitly oppofed both to the name and na- ture-Qfmau, which is infirme,forrowfull, and mortal!. 21 Verf. 2 t. Put a feare in them ] The original! morab(ulèd in this place onely)feenieth to be put for Mora, which is Feareor 7errour, Pfal.76.12. there two Hebrew letters beingoften put one for another, as Amon , ler.52.15. for Haman, 2 King. 25.1 t. Shinn, a King. z 5.29. for Sbinnah, ler.5 2. 33. Or according to the Letters it may come of Horab, to teach, and fignifiea law ordoïirine,and this the Gr. favotareth, trauflating fit a Lam -giver (or teacher) over them. for), men] in Hebrew YE- troth, the proper name of Adams nephew, Gen.4. z 6.figni Eying Serowfui;and is after commonly gi- ven to every man for his doleful! Elate and morta- litie, Pf4.8.5.and here colleaively is the name of manimie. ++44+404 4.444444++44.49 4 +0 4,44 Ps AL. X. I The Prophet complainetb to God of the outrage of the wicked againfi God himfelfe and his poore pm- pie. I a He prayeth for remedie. 16. He profejib bis confidence. Herefore Jehovah doll thou hand V in apiece farre off,doft thou hide at times in diftreffe ? In the halaghtineffe of the wicked , he hotly purfueth the poore' affliíted, let them be taken in the crafty pur., pofes that they have thought For praife doth the wicked for the delire of his foule, and the covetous he bleffeth,he difpiteth Je- hovah. The wicked,fuch is the loftineffe of 4 his nofe,that hefeeketh not: there is no God, in all his craftie purpofes. His waies do well s fucceed in all time, thy judgements are on high above his ftght,all his diflrelfes he puf- feth at them. He faith in his heart, I (hall 6 not be removed,for that I fhall not be in evill to generation and generation: His mouth is 7 full of curling, and of deceits and fraud ; un- der his tongue it moleftation and painful ini= quitie. He fitteth in the waiting place of g the villages,in the fccrer places doth he mur- der the innocent, his'eies lurk for the poore. He lieth in wait in the fecret place , as a Li- on in his den he lieth in wait to fnatch away the poore affliéled , he fnatcheth away the poore afflicted, in drawing him into his net. Hee croucheth, he boweth downe, that fall I may into his ffrong paves a troop of poore. He faith in his heart, God Lath forgotten, I he hideth his face,he will not fee to perpetu- itie. Rife up Jehovah,ô God lift up the hand, forget not the meeke affliûted. Wherefore doth the wicked defpitc God r he faith in his heart,thou wilt nor enquire. Thou fceft, for thou beholdeft moleftarionand indigna- tion, to give it into thy hand, unto thee the poore doth leave it : thou art the helper of the fathcrleffe. Breake thou the arme of the wicked one, and of the evil man; feek out his wickedneffe, till thou findeft none. Jehovah 16 is King for ever and aye; perifhed are the heathens out of his land. Jehovah thou haft 57 heard the delire of the meek,thou prepareft firme their heart,rhou makeft attentive thine care. To judge the fatherlefle and the op- 18 preffèed, that he adde not any more to daunt with terrour fory man out of the earth. Annata- t 2 3 9 fa 13 14 15