Attxotatiens. III ¡mat ,Alti PSaLME X, his will. Or it may be tranflated, The wicked in quire not into the height of bis anger that is , into Gods angcr,he cateth not,nor feareth his wrath. in all his eraftie perpefes] or, he all bis prefemp- tnous cogitations ; meaning that hedeth not ante thinkeof God , whiles ft he purpotèth ag.inft the poore ; or he prefumeth in hear;; and [tine would Co perlwadehiml'elfthat there is no God. He Itudicth Atheifine, as Pfà.14.5 The Glmtice expounds it, He faith inbis heart,that all núrcbnati- ons are not manifef before the Lord. Verf 5. His wales, &c. ] or , brin1 f rth dr hit f males; a fimilitttde front bringing forcis children with paine,whic h being etfe£ted,caufet h joy, Ieh. t 6,zr.Therefore here;(as in lob 30 2 .)it is ufed for goodfaceeffi and(as theChaldee explaineth it ) profperitie, Or referring it tithe ponce whom ha perfecuteth,we may reade,hia maye: m rite ferromful, or are grievous; the Greeke, faith,are polluted. in all time] or, in every tine, ;that is,- almsiesrami, wally. SoPfaL34.z. and 62. 9. and 106.3. fo the Apoftle in Greeke faith, praying in all time, that is, almaús, phrafe is,in all day,that is, dayly,P dr45.z. above his fight] or out of hit preferue, from before him. lapel/lob] that is, defteth and fetteth them at nought domeniert over them (as the Greeke tranflateth it) as if he could overthrow them with his breath. Or be pufTtb; bbwetb,and confequently fetteth them o'n fïre,and con - femeth them : as , feornefoel men puff ( that is , in- flame, or as the Greeke faith, burn) the chie, Pray. z9.8. So Eaek21.31. The Chaldee expoigndeth it, he is angr,yr at them. Verlè 6. I (hall not be in evil: ] or, that am not in evil ; that is, I who am not now in evil) , (hall never be ; meaning by evil[, trouble or afflehlian ; as the Ifraeliteslam themflves its evil[, Exod.5. t 9. Or, perhaps, by evil, he meaneth finne and malicionf nef e, (as when Aaron Caid, the people were in evil, Exod.32.22) and then he boafteth here of his in- nocencie, for which he pronaifethto himfelfea Ceded eftate. The Chaldee giveth this fence; I will not be mend frongesteration to generation, from do- ing evil. Vera 7.ofearfng] or, of execration or adjurati- on. The Hebrew Alab fignifieth an oath with exe- cration or curfnng, Numb. 5.21. for curfang was ad- ded to an oath, for to confirme it the more, Neb. 0.29 Deat.29.12,21.tberefore one and the fame thing is called both anostb,and a Bur fe,Gen, z 4.8. 41. This here the Apoftle calleth in Greeke Ara, Curlung, Eom.3.14. deceitsandfraud] or imppo- flares andanwardguile, that is, outward deceitful! fhewes and promifes, and privie guile lurking in the heart. Verf.B. in else aó rititig place of the villages] or, the embufóof doe court lards both which have their $ name in Hebrew of the grade that growth in them, as it were rare-yards. And becaufe Inch places commonly are rich triens poffeliions,ther- fore (it Ceetneth) the Greeke tranflateth , in the waiting place with the rich Verfe,to. //sseroneieetb] or, And lee orufheth, to 9 W.Ft,himfelfe,lca he fhouldbe efpied.See thisf o- ken .. His Palm is in theGreek verfion a continn- 1 ante and part of the former ninth. Where- upon the count of the Pfalmes following,doth in the Greeke books,and fuch as follow them differ from the Hebrew;the 1 t. Palate being reckoned for the to.the iz.for the u.and fo forward.Yet to make up the number of 15o.PCalmes,they divide the 47.into two,Likewife the it 4.and 115.Pfalms they make one and the 1 r 6.they part in two. Vert t . wberefare doll thou (land ] or, wilt thou fl!? This forme of expoftulation implieth an earncff prayer, Lore/land not farre of/ For quelli- ons may be refolved into plaige affirmations, or denials : as where one Evangelill faith, why di fa- fefl thou the Mark,5 .i5. another faith,Dif. eat not the Matter, Luke 8. 49. See the notes on Ex9d.3 z. r t. doff thou bide] to wit, thine eyes, as Efty 1, t 5. or, thine eare,as L ím.3.5 6.or tby felre. times in dif&effe] that is , when we are in di- ftreffe. So, Times, may Cpecially note tranblons timer. See P fal 31.0 6. 2 Verf.z.behotypurfieeth] or, burnt drub the pave, bobbroile inaflliflion, is hotly perforated. See Pfal. 7.14 The Apofle ul2eth like fpeech for excee- dia eriefe, 2Cor .11.!9.IPhoisoffendedandlbiome not ? craftie purpofes] or, devices, p lidos ; The word noting £onetimegood purpofes,and font:, time evill. See allo Pfalm.26.Io.TheGreeke tran- flateth,they are taken inthe man far. 3 Verl3. praífc loth the wielgd] towic,bimflfe, or his fortune, for that he hash what his Coule deli - reth. And the [joule of the wicked defreoh evil, Prov.. 21.10. the covetous] or Rain- thirfly, be Ref: fish, to wit,himfelfc, and hisfortune.Theesvecom bath his name of a word which fometime fignifi- eth to pierce or mound,Iud a.S.And fitly is the gain- chirpy fo called, both for the hurt he Both to o= thers,whofe life oft he would take away,Pre.,.19. and for that be woundeth himfelfe with his gree- dy carke "; the holy Ghoft teftifying that filch as lull after gaine, doe pierce tbetnfelves thorny with ma- ny forreeves, t Tim 6.10. he ek ff i hteth] or ron- temptueuflyprovoketb with evill words or carriage; and fo incmfth or flirretb him to wrath. So verf. 13. The Chaldee expoundeth it thus, be that bled: feth she unrighteous man , abborretb the speed of the Lord. Verre 4. flub is the line fil of his not ] or , ac- 4 cordial to the height of his countenance , or , of his an.. Rer.The naff and tailing up of it,fignifieth a proud, feraefntl, andfometime an angry countenance; For as the bighnefe of the bean, Pfal, tat. a. and of the fßirit, Prov.t6.18. noteth inward pride: Co the lofine ff of the eyes, Pp!. t o t.5. and here of the na fe, noteth oratmsrdpride and ditch aefi l behsviólur. The Hebrew path one word, for the nofe,and for art ;er, (as is oblerved, Pfal.2.5 .) the Greeke here faith, according to the multitude of his snler , meaning that whereby he perfecafetü the pare. The Chaldee tran(lateth is, in the pride of fpirit. be feekee? not] nothing regarded; or careth , to wit, for God,,or 6 7 /G///IW1 1l1AR11111