Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

vlfa S,z5. xRev 7,r, 7. &C. yIfaS9,zr. bHeb. ro, z4_ i tbef.4,1 and 5,11. c col01.3y16. d1Pf't.c},II. 78 C HAP. VII. cially commended & committed thofe heauenly oracles, binding up the tefli- monie and Pealing up the lawvamonghis difciples, direding x his words and wri- tings unto them, and promihng,thathis fpirit which is upon them,y & his words which he hathput in their mouth , fiiall not depart out of their mouth nor out of the mouth of their feed, nor their feeds feede for ever. Who againe'rejoice for this word , z as if they had fonnde a greare fpoile , and their lips a doe utter praife,when he hath taught them his fla. totes. And having all and every of them a commune right in this treafute, they ufe it for the good of their owne foules, and one ofanother, teaching,exhorting, admoni(hing, reproving and comfort- ing b one another ; which that theymay the better doe, they are willed the word of Chrifl fhould c dwell in them plen- teotifly, that if any man fpeake, d it may be as thewords of God. ware my law, o my people; incline youreares unto the words of my mouth. Plat. 7s, r. The (ccret.thitgs belong to the Lord our God; bile the things revealed belong unto to , -curd to ottr childrenfor ever, that we may do all the /Ponds of this Lag. Dent. -29, 29. J