Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

o CHAP. VIII. Divils , (whom God hath left in their wretchedness) inwhole flavifh fubjeai_ on they and wee , all their childrenhad continuedcaptiucs, unto eternall dam- nation. 2. But God immediately manifefted his purpofe,according to his eleUion of grace, by giving to men that weredead in finne, the word of life, whereby they were revived ; bywhich word hecalled them from Satans fervice to his ownea- gaine, by fayth inChrift, who íhould in time become the wotnans feede,& crufh that Serpents head for his chofens fake. He alío brake that curfed amitie be- k Gen.3,I f . tweene men and divils,and Paid that k he would put enmity betweene them ; and not that onely,but between the Serpents feede (that is , thewickedmen and re- iDeu.13,13 probates,who are named the Tonnes 1 of t john 3,zO. Belial andof the Divil;) & the womans feede, that is Chrift and his church,euen all men &women, that should embrace the faith of the woman now named n Gen.31 zo.Evah, that is, Living, and the m mother ofall that liue. 3. And Adamwhich had íhewed that fngular