CHAP. VIII. 95 bidden all communion with filch , and exhorted to o flee from idolatrie , for o Y ¢or. Yo, behold , all that, are oftheilloujhip there-14. of(hall be confirsnded , P as i tyth the Pro- If,: 44,10. phet. zo. And becaufe this old ferpent would creepe againe into the church& paradife of God, to (educe the Saints, and let his owne throne there: the Lord grntác booke Iefus by his Angell certified his q fervaiìt of the Rc'uc- Iohn, & by him bath warnedus all,that lotion. theChriflians alíowould in time forfakc the true fervice of God in fpirit, and would worihip r Divils ; eucn idols ofr Rev.g, 29. gold and flyer and braise and hone and wood,being drawenhereunto by the ef- feduall delufon of Satan in his eldtf fonne Antichrifi the ckilde ofperdition; whofe dotrines would be the doarincs off Divils ; whole kingdome lhould be tirir.4,a menaged by t lirits ofDivils , and men draw en by them to battei againft God al-t Rev.z6,t; mightie. Hereupon is that glorious fyna- 14' gogue poclayredwith the lowdvoyce ofan heavenly Angell,to be become the Rev'=l'T° Y habitation ofDivils , and with another voyce X all Gods people are willed to x `ue4 goe