I.VIIII. 99 the infrumcnts, Satan d is the Father ofd Foch. ,44 them, and by them Both draw men un- i 19. todeftruftion. 3. The .fecond concerneth our out- ward cariage , that we do not c prefevit a Exod.zo,f. our bodies,or by any thing that we haue, "ns, zÿ,2,; giue f maintenance to his worship & fer- fil 97Ig vice, where or howfoever: but as out Ia,.,10,i4, bodies & spirits are the Lords, g fo with 15-10. ITV. them both to glorify,& ferule him onely, '14,7, 9," &honour h himwithour fubi{ance; flee- 17,13,191 ing all idolatrie which is Satans worship, Hof. 2, 8. and outward communion therewith ; & g l Cor.6,2o . rrsat.,gIQ not upon anypretenfe,eytherof our own ror.ó,it. knowledge& inward diflikeof the idol, h Prcv.3;,9, Cu. the pleating of others, or winning them by this meanes to the fayth, or a- voydingofour trouble, or prefurningof the mercy of God , or the like, toparti- cipate in the fervice & facrifice ofD vils. God in his law gaue this general" pre- cept for his people i They(hall no more of- _fir theiroPings to divils;anti in the Gofpcl we haue this inftrabion , kye can not be partakers ofthe Lords table, and of the tubìe k r. ofDivils. 4. The third concerneth all divilish G z arts, iLev.t7>7. Cor. i