a®:. CHAP. IX. power : bccaufe all his endeavours are againfl us for evill, neither can wework in him ahy good, by any manes , at any time. But the eUUate ofwicked men, is otherwife to be conhdered;becaule they and we are all one flefli and blood ; are all placed of God , to litre together in this world, and enjoy mutually his com- mon blefíings, as the light of the funne, the rayne, and fruits of theearth, and other creatures, betides our civili facie- tie in commonweales : fo that we can- not avoydeall medlingwith the, except IC"5)I6wefhould goe out of the world, as the Apoflle teacheth. Alto of inaily of them there is hope , that they may be conver- ted from their evill waies ; which by all good and gentle meanes wefliould pro- cure. Howbeit offanners there is diffe- rence to be made ; for Tome are yet un- called to the knowledge and fayth of Chrifl ; others are called , and doe pro- fefie one common fayth iii Chrifts church with us,but walke unworthie of the fame ; and time haue departed from the fayth & obedience, whereunto they werecoupe, & are can out of the church, a delivered