to the Readers k lïtle leaven , it mciketh fowre the Whole k z coy, 5.6 lump. Andthen looks, howfarre they par- &c. take With other mens fnnes ; fo farre are they in danger , to 1 receiue of their 1 Rev. z8.ß.s plagues. The other impediment , is over much ffraytoes which f ome menhate in their own bowels: whiles theirfeeble confciences are too much af felled , both with their owne and othersinfirmities. Suchhad need to havue their knowledge and faith increafed , their harts inlarged , leaft by expelling agreater perfection_., in themfelues andothers , then is to befound upon earth, they faint, andfall. Letfuch loose on the image ofChrifl,as he is portrahed m in the fcrïptures , whiles the n, pied. 22. chaffifement of ourpeace was layd upó him ; Ifa. 5;. Mdt. fofhall theyfinds balme for their wounded 27' &c confciences; andhealing for theirfoules by his 'tripes; and theirfhivered bones will re- Joyce. For of his cup mus- weall drinke our parts, and be baptifed withhis baptifine into his death, before we can tafle f thefìeet- nes ofhis life; andbe under the rigor ofthat fchole-maifter n the law li1Le feruants , ere n 414) 24* wecanperceiue the adoptionof fonnes , and libertie ofhisfaith and rofpel. Ind ifhe which