Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

L4 CHAP. XI. tlaall be his people : whereupon it foI loweth that he being ours, and we his, aifuredhereof by faith in his gofpel We ri o An haue g communion with the Father and , with his Sonne IcfhsChrifl,to the prayfe of the glory of his grace , and our eter- h Prou, s. Hall happines. Whiles he being our Pj: zs, z,z God applieth his hwiCedotne, ftrength, kPfa. 84, i z k grace, and all other goodnes unto us fór good: and caufeth us aÿaine to apply Rom.iz,z, lour bodies & our minds, with all the fa- t. culties of them , to the honour & fervice ofhis mlje{lie; & this with filch mutuali loue and neere conjutt&ion , as God is nr t Toi» 4, fayd, to mdwell in its and we inhim ; and 15. with filchpeace, as n pa{Teth all under- " P ií.4'7' ¡landing, that not without cautedoth the ePf.144,r5 Pfalmifl fing, o Bided is the peoplewhof God Iehovah u. 4. The perlons whom God admit- teth into this gracious cornniunion , are all forts of people without refped of p Gal.;7-R. pedfòns: p Imes and Gentiles , bond Ff4E.148, and free, male and 11,0-c. aldfemale, kinds of the earth and all peoples, Princes and r z Cor. z,z6 all judges of theworld , yongmen and 27 maydens ,old men and children, r wife men