to the Reader. Andfsrtheg affray arefuch vayn men as imagine to themfelues a .mate ofperfeEi- on , as if they had already v attayned the refurre11ionofthedead: anddo difeJaime all Churches andfocieties where f nnes are to befeene. Mofesface is X hid from them as with a veyle , they difcerne not the ufë ofhis law , nor endofhis miniferie , for a veilcovereth theirharts; neitherfee they the pofefvn thatfanne bath in them. , yea in c all Saincs , fo long ais they dwell in they howfes of clay, for Which caufe they fagh d defiring to be clothed W itlh their howfe Which isfrom heauen , toebe loofed and to be with Chrft. endwhen the veyl fhall be takenfrom thofe mens harts , whofofarr mifake themfelues to be that they are not : they will crieWith the Leper, fI am un- clean, I am unclean: andwill g remember their waies and be ofhashed , and never open their mouth anymore, becaufe oftheir fharm , but will 1' judge themf lees worthy to be cut of,for all their evils that they haue committed. Such a.- o as eyther of igno- rance, or worfe humour , doe unorderly de- part, and rend themfelues upon every occa- fìon_, f oryl_: the Church and body of(hrif; et 5 will vPhil.3.zx; z2. x Exdd. 34. 30.33,35- z Cor.3,I3. 14. If. c Roni 7,17- 18. I Toi1.I S. io. d z cor. %, 2 ePhil. I,z;, t Levit. x;. 4S g Ez:c. 15. 61.63. h Ez,e. zo. 43, 11