Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

Itont.6,13 2Pj4.56,13. b Letiit. 26; sz 039, 12.314- ¿fa. 22,26 tpre. r6 2z fEpï2. r, Y8. it+8 CHAP. XI. catiQd me toPep haJbgiuen lift unto me. 7. And whenwe are made partakers of the life of God, then feele we the fel- lowfhip and communion fpoken of; and as our life encreafeth, fodothour joy,by the perceiuingofour happines ; and we glue our fillies unto God , as they that are aline from the dead,a walkingbefore him in the light of the living. God alfô himfelf b walketh with us, leading us c by the riversof waters, in a ftraightway wherein tv e (hall not (tumble, and our foule (hall be as a watered garden ; we Than haueno more forow,but Q,all be fa- riffled with the gcodnes of the Lord, d our hart (hall liue for ever. To the end therefore that we may in force fort diícerne this incompreheiìiiblegrace, let us confider fome principali ofthe many good things, that God doth glueus per- tcyning unto Lifeandgodlines. 8. And firfíl, for that Vnderf?anding is c a welfpring ofLife unto them that baue ir; the God of our Lord Ictus Ghrifl, theFather ofglory, f givethunto us the Spirit of wifedome , and revela- tion through the knowledge of him, whereby