CHAP. XI. 129 whereby the eyes ofour underitanding arc lightned, and we know what is the hope ofhis calling , and what the riche* of his glorious inheritance is in the Saints : fo he havingopened our eyes , g wee fee the wonders ofhis law, andhe caufeth us h to urderf}and the way of his precepts. This is a fpeciall point of thehappin,es of Godspeople, abuue all peoples of theearth, that they haue both his Law fora light, & himfelfe for their inftruder, & fo are all i the taught of god, and haue k an Oyntment from hire that is holy, whereby theyknow all things, and I need not that any man teach them, but as the fame anointing teacheth them all things: Hereupon the Prophet fayde unto God, m I haue not declined from thy judgements,.becaufe thou didf teach nie ; and himfelfe fayth unto his people, n jI am the Lord thy God , which teach thee to profit, and leade thee by the way, that thou fhouldeft goes and thine ° cares fbáll haare a word behinde thee, faying ; This is the Way, wa!keye in it , when theu turneft to the right hand,andwhen thou turned to the left. Thus the p fecret of I the gPfii9, at h ticrfe 27 . i roh. 6,45. k YIo1).2,2q 1ticrfe-7. in kris!. tl9, IO2. n Tfa48,Y7 orhap.go,z: PPfaP. 2: 4