CHAP. XL 145 be g quickerimd and.conferved in life ac- cord:ng to the loving kindrnes of the Lord, who h prefe:rvtth all them that lone lain, i keepeth covenant andmercy towards them , and caufethall things to k work together for thebefl unto them. For God 1 is Loue (as fayth the d fc iple m wliome Id us loved,) and he that dwel- leth in loue dwelleth in god, fir god inhim ; and n grace alai' be unto ali them that loue him, unto itnmortalitie. Mòfts in fpirit forefecing this,fày d unto Ifrael ; o I. call heaucn and earth to record this day againfl: you , that I haue fa before you lifeand dcath,thebleflîng and the turfe: therefore chufe Life , that thou and thy feede may hue ; by loving the Lord thy god, by obeyinghisvoice , and by Cea- iing unto him; for he is thyL.fe, Sc the length of thy dayes. 19. But becauíèour Lifepis hidwith Chi ifs in God , and thoughnow we be the fonncs ofGod , yet it duth not ap peace whatwe (hall be, but when rCh lit which is our Life 4hall appear, thLIn thall we alfo appeare w th hail in glorie , be likeumo hirn;and fee him as he is:thçre- K, fore ever,re iss h PJat. z4s, z.o. i Dan.9,4. k Rom. g)28 111011.406 m Ioh, z i, 2.0,24. n Ephe.6,z4 o 3e, s 9) _e. p Cof ;,j. q z7oh..;áa. r C013,4.