f tPt.t4,3: verfi 4. t 46 CHAP. XL' fäore hash he given us anothergrace peril teyning to Lifeandgodlynes , called( 4 living hope, unto which God ofhis a- boundant mercie hath begotten us by thy refurreUionof Iefus Chrift from the dead. This verme refpeð our.good that is to coins , our t inheritance refer- ved for us inheaven , yea thither hath it power to come , entring (as the Apoille fayth ) y in to that which is within the vaile, whither the forerunner Iefus is for us entred in , and this Hope we haue as ananker of the foule, both Pure & fled- faít, holding it fait in all tempefis of tri- bulations or tentations; knowing(as Sa- lomon fayth)that X there zs an ende,&our hope(hall trot becrate off. zo. Therebe two companions, and as it were filers of this grace; i Faith, and z patience; Favth gocth before as the guide and i'uftcyner, being the Y fub- fiílance or ground of things hoped for; as Abraham by fayth, cuen z noose hope , beleevedunder hope ; Patience acconipanieth it, and tetcheth to wayte, as it is written , a ifwe hope for the Wee f e not,we doe withptiencc abidefirit. And thus v ay,zo. PNov.24, 14. V vextósaor;g, Ron.4, I8 aRorri, 8, 25.