Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

to the Reader. trot Withdrawing their hand from this , t veYfe. t that he which feareth God, 'hall come forthofthem_' all. For this caufe haue I endevored, (though the unfitteif among many, ) to help forward in.., the way of truetr ,fuch as loue thefame With me ; andhaue penned this treatife lowing, for theirfames, the haue not means and leyfure to fearch the f riptures as they Jhould andWould , or by r,earn,., of their Weaknes cannot rather and compare the fcriptures togetherfor their comfort andaffu- rance in thefi points , a they defire. I haue laboured both forplaynnes andbrevity, as 1 could info large and ample Argumezzt; and by references ratherfens the Reader to l000ke himfelfe into Gods boche, then..., to in- JO upon_ collections or expofitions ofmine owne. Wherein if any places be allecred amfe or impertinent' , or things gathered otherwifê then."' the 'Text will afford ;' (as through my ignorance , or unheedines , no doubt many may be : ) I humbly as ,par-- donv for the fame , both of God and his people; and do defire the Reader not to rely' upon.- my judgement in any thing , but as- hies-