r icy. 2, 6. fDeNt.s, r5 tverj .. v.tievfe e6. X rch.á3, 9 æpfaÏ.z3 4 aPfQ.9i,af é I54 C HAP. XL through the wildetnes, througk a defect anii watee land , r and by the thadow of (-Leath ; where ffierce ferpents are , and (corpions , and drought without water ; t ro humble us and to prone ús, teo know what is in our heart, chat he may Y doe us good in the latter ende ; he bringeth us through x ¿lie fyre , and fineth us as the (liver is fined, and tryeth us as gold is tryed ; an'd yet he íayth, It is mypeople, arid we do fay, The Lord is our God. 2.7. Andhence arifcth , the comfort Ofour harts, that alwayes we behold hodwith us , yea feele himwithin us ; and anfwer Amen by faith to all his pro rriifes. He fayth, y Feare not for I am with thee , be not afrayd for I am thy God ; we fay againe , though I Ihould walk through the vally of the Ihadow of death, I will feare no evill, becaufe thou art withme. He flyth of every of his Saines , a I will be withhim in trouble, I will deliver him andgloryfy him : they teflify and fay ; b I beheld the Lord al- wayes before me ; for he is at my right °hand that I should not be fhaken ; c ga- ther togethd: on heaps Q yepeople, and Ye S: