168 CHAPTER XI I. Ofthe communion that We haue with lefus Chris`tour Mediator. a r Tim. 3, Efus Chrifl being God a manifefled in r6. '.the flefh, is givenof the Father to be b chap. 2,5. the onely b mediatour betweene him and us; and he hath given him power to exe- c roh.%,z7. cute cjudgment, in that he is the formof d Cot. r,z8. Man. He is the d head of the bodyof the e Ephe. r, zr 22. Church; in him e all the buyldin7coup- led together growethunto an holyTem- ple in the Lord, and we all are built to- ,c-thee in him, to be the habitation of r4, s. God by the Spirit ; he is f the way, the trueth, and the life , noman cometh to the Father but by him. Andofhim his mediation, this Oracle was fpoken ier.3a, zi, of old to the Sainfts; that g their Noble 22, ruler fhould beofthemfelues , and their h Governour 1i (Chrifl ) fhouid proceed from the mids of them; andGod would caufe him to drawe neere and approch unto himfelfe, ( when he fhould afcend i D. ; , r3. i and fit at his right hand to make inter- II. 831- cci1on for us;) for who is he (els) that warrant-