Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

178 CHAP. XII. us; whiles he maketh us alfo Priesfs unto God his Father,, and communicateth with us his obedience, death, buriall, tea urge Lion , and afcenflon ; fo Caufing theBiel-lingofGod to come upon us , ( as he is that feede in whom all families ofthe earth (hall be bleffed, ) and giving us comfort and peace. Vnder thefe two heads , are all thinges comprehen- ded, that perreync to our Iufliflcation, & San&ification, in the fight ofGod. i o. Thefe three things of Reconcilia- tion, 7nterceffion and Wing; the Netts ofMofes law , in Ihadow and figure of him, performed of old for Ifraell. The a Lev. ,and fiat, whiles at the brazen altar, they a of- 4,&c. Fred Burnt-of rings, & For-fanne; made b Lev.4,35 b attonement, and obtcyned forgiuenes at the hands of God, for the (inners: but c Iehron.23, chiefly when the high- priefl e fandified x;. the Mofi holy place, with d blood of the dLev.i6,z, Sacrifice, and made an attonernent for '5 -34. the children of Ifraell, for all their finnes once a yere. The fecond , whiles eExo.4o, 26 at the e golden altar , he burned fweete 21. and 3°' incenfe everymorning 7,8)10. and cuening; and once a yerealfo, made'reconciliation up- on