Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

CHAP. XII. xSr it is pure and perfe& , fo prevaileth it with God ; and is of unfpeakabie of ca- cie, to make us to be accepted. For the Father loveth the Sonne , and accepteth himbetter then he didhis fervant Iob when e he prayed for the trefpaí+lèrs. This is that erfngel, ( the fAnbel ormcf- fenger of the covenant, .) that .hth a g goldencenfer, & much odours, which he offreth with the prayers ofall Sain±s,'. upon the goldenaltar that is before the throne; the frnoke of which odours , with the prayers of the Saincts,goeth np beforeGod out of the Angels hand : t unto his requeffs, whichhee maketh for his afflicted people, the Lord h anfwer- eth good andcornfortable,words. Thus our high facrificer, having the ¡names o_f the whole Ifrael ofGod , as it Were gra- venupoirtwo precious ftones, and em- boiled ingold; beareth us upon his two Ihoulders, fora remembrance; and pre- fenteth us pure and holy and jull before theLord. x 3. The things towards us , which are his BleJng and the fruits that follow, he gracioufly communicateth as a mere- M 3 cifull e Iob 4 2, S; 9. f Mat.;, Y . . g Rev. 8,;,4 h xi/GILT)/ z Y3. i Ea;òd.z, 9--i2.