CHAP. XII. is; God, even the Father of our Lord Iefus r h 8. Chrift, = which hath bleffed us with all E p e f .z fpirituall bleilings in heauenly thinges in Chrift, as the Apale fayth. 14. The communion of this biding, is more particularly to de difcerned in that honour ofPrieifhood,which is giuen to all Chri(lians ; and the feales of Gods grace,and loue towards us in Chilt. For he bathmade us f Piefhs unto God euen f Rev.i,6, his Father, and we as liuely flones C are nade a fpirituall houfe , a holy prieft- t hood, to offer up fpirituall facr.fices,ac- ceptable to God by ie.fusChrifl. For firfr applying him unto our felues by faith, his fuffrings death and buriall are v ours; 1i 53)4,5 his iighteoufnes, refurreccion, and glo- rious vi&orie over f.inne , Satan , death and hell, Y ours ; fo that we Y by the x Rom. 4,25 blood of iefus, may be bold to enter in- &g, o to the holy place, (though the Leviticail áo priefts.might Z not enter into the fhadow z LCV. 16, 2 thereofat all times;) by the new and li- vingway , which he bath prepared for us , through the veyl , that is , his flefh euen a boldly may wee goe unto the a HCb 4,16. throne of grace , that we may receiue M 4 mercy Pct. 2, 5.