b Heb.7, 22 - cI Cor. 5,7 d r Pet. z;z4 e GaI. z, 2o. fHeb.Io,ro. g Lev. 4,z5 h Gal. 3, ih 14. ì Rom. Iz, z a G kEtie.36,0 o c tI 1P/1.5r, 17 o mHebr. 13, G 15. n 1-Iof.rq.,;. o In © Pfi.69,3r al iS4. CHAP. XII. mercy , and finde grace to helpein time ofneede. Prefenting unto God, his Fa- ther andours, this Lamb that was flayne fór our finites, who is our b furetie and our c facrifice, by whole d flripeS we are healed, by whole death e we are refforéd to life, by whofe f body once offred we are. fintified ; upon whole ghead wee haue layd the burden ofour fuses , and by whole tl curl , we are made the hey y res ofbleffînn, and ofall the riches ofGods grace. I 5. We álfo } giue upour own bodies living facrifice, holy; acceptable unto God, which is our reasonable fervingof od ; fo the heavenly Ierufalem is filled ith k the flocks of fiell as the earthly nce was with flocks of holineffes or.ia- rifices external1. Our fpirits beingcon., ire, our hearts humbled (Sc broken for ur runes; are the ' jcrifices ofGod alfò, hick he will not defpi(e. ByChrift,we offer the facrifice ofPray'aiwa yes _ .to od, that is , the fruit (or n calues ) of ur lips, which confef ehis flame, and agnífie him with thankfgiving : o this fopleafcth the Lord, better then uxc cr