Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

CHAP. XII. 185 ór heiffer,that bearethbornes, that part- eth the hoofe. Our P aimes and offrtngs Ars.24,I1 for reliefof the poor , efpecially thenni- Phil.4,IS. iiffers of the Gofpeil of Chríl : are q an 9. odour thebtfmellethTweet , :a f criface accep- hebr. z3,í5. table andp1captt, to J o d. Finally , if we be rpoured east, as a drinkoffing , upon r Phil.2,i7. the facrifîce and 'fi rvice of the faythof 2 Tim.4,6. Chriír.s church, 8 do f refïf % unto blood, fHeb, 12,4. ffr vingagain U inne : we haue caufe to rejoycei for t precious in the fight of the tpfi.ii6,I5 Lord, is the death of his faints; and the v foules ofInch refl under the altar , till i Rev' 6, 9, the Lord holy and true, do avenge their blood on them that dwell on the earth. 16. This honour ofPriefßhood, (which x no man can take to hin.4 Ife, nor Y any other thing, except it be giuen him from .htauen,) .T Chrift giveth untous:, of his richgrace, by his word, and fpirit. For as by the preaching of the Gofpeli he is dayly delcribcd inour fight, and among us a crucified : fo we by the minuterie of theGof}oel, are made b an acceptableof- friug unto the Lord , being fanUfied by theHoly Ghoßt. His word is a c íharpe two edged (word, and divideth a fonder: M . the x 3Ïeb.,S,4- y roh.3, zT. z Rev.S,to a Gal. 3, rt . broric.15,i6 ifa. 66, zo. c Heb.4,t2.