Ainsworth - Houston-Packer Collection BT972 .A46 1628

186 CHAP.- XII. the Coble and the fpirit, the joynts and Col.;,5. the ma,r"ow; by it weare taught to d mor- tifie dur members whichare on earth; e Mat. II. his fpirit is as e.fiire , wherewith we being (Rom, 3,zs baptifed,doe alfo (mortifie the deeds of the bodie, that we may flue, & giue our cblp.z2,r, felues up unto God for a g living facri- fice. The affligions that we feele in this I, chap. 8,36 world,when for his fake we h are killed all the day long , Sc. are counted as sheep zCor.4,I0 for the !laughter , doe i beare aboute in zz, our body the dyingof the Lord IeCus,& are alwaies delivered unto death For le- fus fake , that the lifealto of our Lord Terris might be made manifefl in our mortall flefb : thefe (crue for furtheran- k Mcb. z z,zo ces of our fapaification, by being k par- Gen. 15 ,9, takers ofhis holynes; Sc make usas I fa- 11,13. crifices,& a prey foi- the ravenous fouls, whiles we liue iirangcrs here on earth, the land that is not ours , as did Abra- m iya.6z,6. havre feede. Thus are we named m the Pris`ìts of the Lord , and haue authoritie in zii4af, z, z z. n everie place , to offer incenfë unto his name, and a pure offring, both we and 'our works , ( our fpir-ituall facrifices,) being acceptable unto God in Chrift Ie- fus. 17. To