alms td t to d mor on eanhl hWebeio, 1e decásoí giueovl facii :ele in Ili are killei as fill aboute it rdtefus,& eathfotl ji oui Luit ifei in 0'; )rfurtheu being ri Ike usasiú enous foú' ere on ei as did br named m; e authuticie cenf unto both all ('actic dinhriG 1- CHAP. XII. 187 17. To illuftrate and feale up more aítùredly our communion with Chrifts Prie fthood , we arewatedwithwater , for a finne and aiÏitrance of the o forgiu- o Aif3,38. nes and wailiing away of our finnes, and to be as the t' laver of our regeneration p Tit.3,5. and new birth ; whereby we are al('o bra- ptifed q into his death , andburied with q 4- him by baptifme ; that like as Chill was rayfed up from the dead by the glorie of the Fatìier , fo we alfo fhould wal ke newnes of life, our r old man beingcru- r zerre q. cified withhim., that the bodyoffume might be deftroyed , and our felues be f dead to finne , but aliue to God in Iefus f`'Jerre iI Chrift our Lord ; whom by this fymbol we haue r put on, and do bcarehis name a1.3,á' upon us , with. V the name of the Father and of the Holy fpicit.. Andafter this , 19 Chrift often feedeth our foules with his x Mattl3.zó',, ovine X body & blood , whichwas bro- 26,,Nc, ken and powred out for our fakes, figu- red out Canto us by bread and wine: here- by confirming the former grace ofre- miffionof fumes, and a further growth in Chtift continually, intowhoa; we are conic), incorporate, and haue fo Deere a Y- corn- r6. bunion